Chapter 11

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Meg's POV

It's finally Friday , Liam and I head off to pick Sophia from the airport. Since I had not gotten my car yet , Liam was kind enough to take me to the airport. The week went really quick and I also took off  , I did'nt see Niall after the day he kissed me. Liam and I met a couple of times and I spoke to my mom telling her about Sophia's call. Sophia is a very sweet girl. She finished collage a year ago and she has opened her own clinic shortly after. We walk right into the air port and wait for a minute or two , finally those familiar golden brown locks come in sight. "That's Sophia!" I tell Liam.

"Meg!" She comes towards me with a suitcase in her hand and a huge purse in the other hand and hugs me tight. "I missed you so much!"

"Me too!!" 

"Hi" Liam says awkwardly.

"Sophia this is Liam , my friend and neighbour" I smile at her. She smiles and looks at Liam

"Hello , nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." He smiles at her and picks her suitcase and walks towards the car and we follow him and get into the car. The drive back consists of me telling Sophia that I've taken leave and a bit about New York.

"Wow! I actually plan on getting a house here and shifting my clinic here!" She says.

"You have to , we'll be closer and you'll even get a better business opportunity here."  I say. We pull up in my drive way and I thank Liam. We get her suitcase up the stairs and into her temporary room. We say our good nights and I walk into my room to sleep. The same rock music starts to play and I know exactly where it's coming from. Not being able to sleep I walk out of my room and into the kitchen where Sophia is sat drinking a glass of water.

"It's too loud , I can't sleep" We both complaint at the same time.

"What's going on over there?" She asks

"Oh nothing Niall's just having a lame party" I say

"Oh you know him , we should so go there"

"I'm not going to that party!" I say remembering the fight that took place the other day.

"Ok , tell me about your crush on Liam" She winks and I laugh.

"Crush , don't be silly! He's my friend" I roll my eyes and that'swhen a though strikes my mind. "Hmm , someone has a crush on Liam though" I say and bight my inner cheek to stop the giggle that might come out. The moment I say those words , Sophia blushes a deep shade of red and I instantly know that she has a crush on him. "Her name is Penny , she works at my office" I tease the brunette and see a hint of sadness in her caramel eyes.


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