Chapter 16

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Evi's POV

Today is fourth of July , yes I do not celebrate it for obvious reasons - I'm a European. Louis is waiting in the car for me , today we are going wedding shopping. He says that our wedding will be at a small yet beautiful Church , he has not told me the location yet - I wonder if the location is something exotic but again a plain wedding in Stockholm would be fine , I've always wanted to go to Sweden.

I sit in the passenger seat and fasten my belt and I smiled at him. "Two more weeks for our big day sweetheart." He says.

Meg's POV

"So will you be my girlfriend?" He asks after our kiss. Do I really wan't to be his girlfriend? , Will he treat me like one?. I think I know the answer. I turn around and look towards Liam and Sohpia , they look so happy. I hope my plan worked out. Then a thought struck me , I had never told Niall about our plans today. Where and why did he come here then?!?

"Who told you to come here?" My voice came out a tiny bit threatening - I did not intend it to be threatening though.

"Um S-Sohpia told me to you here and she told me to keep it a secret" He says childishly. I stand up and hug him.


"What yes?!?" Hope shining in his eyes

"I will be your girlfriend"

Sophia's POV

From the corner of my eye I could see Niall and Meg hugging. Mission Accomplished! "Will you um... b-be my uh..... girlfriend?" The brown eyed , cute English boy said. I'll will admit that I have a little crush on him , but I'm not sure if I should be his girlfriend..


Wait. What did I just say?!?

There's a what......?

Omg! It's a triple update!!!!! yayyyy!!!

Talk to you in the next update :)

-Karamel :) <3

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