Chapter 19

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Meg's POV

  I stayed up all night. I stared at the white of the ceiling ,the uneasy feeling came again. That's it , I couldn't take it anymore! I went to Shopia's room only to see she was fast asleep. I needed someone to talk to , but I didn't wan't to disturb her. I wen't ahead and texted Niall to check if he's awake but after waiting for fifteen minutes , I came to the conclusion that he was indeed asleep. So , I got ready and left the house. I reached Time Square , it was still packed and full of life even at eleven thirty in the night. I took a turn to the other side of the street and there I saw extremely familiar bright lights , it was The Styles Bakery. I smiled and wen't into the beautiful little bakery and saw the mop of curls I was hoping to see. Harry was working on the design of a beautiful wedding cake. "It's wonderful , who's it for?" I asked.  

"Liam's friend's. Your going for the wedding right?" He asked  


"Me too"  He smiles , his dimples pop out and he look's absolutely adorable. "So what brings you here?"  

"I wanted to talk to somebody" I say , remembering about the weird feeling I had.  

"Spill" he said and pulled out a chair for me to sit in and then he sat on the other one. "So tell me Meg , What's up?"  

"I don't know why , but I have this awful feeling that something's wrong! I don't know what it is but it's not good."   

"Ahh! Maybe it's a sign that something's going to go wrong , there are a very few people who have this sixth sense in which their body can sense if anything wrong might happen." He sighs. "But I have a solution" He grins. A few minutes later there are an array of six different cupcakes in front of me. I pick up the velvet one and the moment I take a bite of the delicious dessert , I gasp. It's so succulent. At around one in the morning Harry drops me home and I have a peaceful sleep. 

The next morning , Shopia goes off with Liam to get a few things for the wedding. I still sleep in bed until they come back. "Wake up!" I hear Shopia's voice.  I smile and turn and twist in bed. After that I head to the washroom and take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I head to the kitchen and pour myself some milk and cereal.

"Hey Meg , I'm going to go with Liam to get his friends from the airport" She smiles.

I smile back as she heads out of the door.  I text Niall , but he doesn't reply. Having nothing to do I sit on the couch watching Prison Break. After three thirty minute episodes , my door bell rings.  As I open the door , I see Niall.  

"Hey" I say. He looks dashing in the tight black jeans and a Crazy Mofo's tee shirt.

"Your looking good, like everyday!"  I said.

He smiles and asks  "Are you flirting with me?"  

"Maybe." I reply and send him a smirk which he returns. He come's in and kisses me , it takes me a while before I can process everything happening.


Sophia's POV

  We were about to go to the airport , but suddenly Liam darted freaking out. "Oh my god Soph!! I don't think I ordered the cake!!! Oh my...I'm the worst friend ever!! How could I forget to do that!!"  

"I'm sure you would've. You probably just forgot. And in your defence you've been doing so much for this wedding that you might have forgotten that you've already ordered the cake!" I tried to calm him down , but he just wouldn't budge. So I said "Give me the address of whatever bakery you ordered from , I'll personally go and order it myself" I sighed. He gave me a sad smile and gave me the address.  

"Meet me at this place called Bistro Milano , Niall and Meg will give you a ride. Meet me at eight , wear something sexy" He smirks and winks.  

I do as I'm told. I go  The Styles Bakery and see that Harry's already working on the wedding cake. Silly Liam. Zayn's there too and he offers me some freshly baked cookies which I gladly eat. By four in the afternoon I'm back home to see Niall and Meg fast asleep on the couch , I decide to make a little snack for the three of us and then woke them up.    By seven we we're all ready to go. We wen't into Niall's car and sped away.  


Heyy!! Double update. But it came late.....soo worth the wait?!? Whoa! This whole line rhymed!!

Anyway , hope ya'll liked this chappy.... next one's gonna be all cray cray!!

-Karamel <33>

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