Zero to One Hundred

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Jenn and alyx had just been out from a long day of filming a video for both their YouTube channels and alyx couldn't wait to get home and just relax.

Jenn had been staring at Alyx the whole car journey back to her apartment.

"You know I can see you staring" Alyx giggled turning to face Jenn

"So, am I not allowed to admire my girlfriend" Jenn said smoothly causing Alyx to blush

"C'mere" Alyx said leaning in to give Jenn a kiss

"Alyx! What the fuck are you doing anyone could see us"

"Jenn we're in your car park and there's no one around" Alyx said confused to why the girl was being so paranoid

"You don't know that! Someone could have followed us" Jenn said looking around

"Oh yeah cause that happens all the fucking time doesn't it" Alyx snapped starting to get annoyed

"Fuck you" Jenn said slamming the car door and storming away

"Your seriously going to storm off" Alyx shouted after her but Jenn ignored her and continued to the stairs so alyx jumped out the car quickly and started to follow her

"You can't just walk away from every single one of your problems" Alyx shouted

"Can you be quiet your embarrassing me" Jenn said trying to keep her voice quiet.

"Embarrassing you!" Alyx laughed "in front of who? The imaginary person that followed us here"

"No Alyx! My neighbours, I'm not the only person that lives here, now can you control yourself til we get inside please" Jenn said hoping Alyx would listen.

And she did listen the two of them were silent. They were silent even when they got into the apartment, Alyx sat in the living room and Jenn went to her room.

Alyx sat for about ten minutes calming herself down and thinking what to say to Jenn. Once she was finally ready to talk she walked to Jenn's room where Jenn was lying on her bed.

"Are you awake" Alyx asked softly sitting at the bottom corner of Jenn's bed and Jenn sat up slowly "I'm sorry" alyx said wiping a tear from Jenn's cheek she never wanted to make her cry.

"No it's my fault" Jenn said in between sobs "you deserve better than this you deserve someone who you can just have a normal relationship with instead of all these secrets"

"But I don't want anyone else Jenn" Alyx said cupping Jenn's face in her hands "and it's not always going to be secrets soon we'll be able to have a normal relationship like everyone else"

"You say soon Alyx but I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to tell everyone"

"See and this is where I get annoyed and I'm not trying to upset you but you tell me every month that it's going to be soon but it never happens and I understand your scared and I'm not going to pressure you to tell people but just stop telling me your going to do it when really you have no intentions of telling anyone" Alyx explained and Jenn was silent for a while she had no idea what to say

"Maybe it's just not the right time" Jenn finally said

"Right time for what? To tell people?" Alyx said confused

"No" Jenn said pausing not wanting to say what was about to come out her mouth "maybe it's not the right time for us"

"What are you talking about Jenn, of course it's the right time why would you say something like that"

"Because alyx, because I care about you and I don't want to keep hurting you"

"But I don't just care about you Jenn, okay? I love you and I know we're ment to be, please don't do this" alyx begged tears filling her eyes

"And if that's true then we'll find a way back to each other please don't cry alyx" Jenn said taking Alyx's hand and rubbing her thumb over it

"I love you Jenn" Alyx said resting her head on Jenn's shoulder

"I love you Alyx"

Both girls sat there silently none of them knowing what to do next, should alyx leave or should she stay like they had already planned, should they stay friends or pretend they don't know each other, do they date new people, do they still text each other everyday these were all the questions swirling around in both their minds.

"So what do we do now" Alyx said finally breaking the silence

"Well you don't exactly have anywhere to go so you can crash at mine tonight" Jenn offered

"Thanks I'll take the sofa then" Alyx said awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck not knowing what to do with herself

"Actually do you mind sleeping in here tonight it's just if this is going to be the last time we see each other for a while then I just want to hold you for a while but I totally understand if you don't want to" Jenn said

"Of course I want to Jenn" Alyx said going to Jenn's drawers and picking out something comfy to wear "So this is really it then after this day we're not even going to be friends" Alyx asked

"I mean we can still be friends just not as close as we used to be and we'll see each other all the time because we have pretty much all the same friends"

"You promise"

"I promise Alyx"

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