It's Meant To Be

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Alyx stormed into the hospital as if she was ready for battle, she wasn't going to take any of Jenn's moms shit she was done with it. The only way Alyx would leave is if Jenn told her to which she really hoped she wouldn't. As she approached Jenn's room the blinds were slanted opened and Alyx managed to get a peek at Jenn. It was impossible to explain how much Alyx missed Jenn. She missed her hugs, her laugh, they way she used to kiss her, she just missed having her around in general, she wanted her to wake up just so she could tell her about everything that's happened because she knows that Jenn would reassure her and tell her that everything is going to be okay but Alyx wasn't sure if it would be

"Excuse me" Alyx said approaching a woman that looked like a nurse


"I was just wondering how Jennifer McAllister was doing, she's in room 207"

"I'm sorry ma'am I can't disclose any information unless your close family"

"No I understand can you just tell me if there's been any improvement"

"There hasn't been I'm sorry" the nurse said walking away but Alyx called after her again

"Is that normal shouldn't there be some sort of sign by now"

"Everyone's different some people wake up after a couple days but for some people it could be a couple of months, I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful"

"No it's okay thank you"

That's wasn't the answer Alyx wanted to hear, she hated this it was like a waiting game and every minute that went by Alyx felt more discouraged. There was no way Alyx could handle a couple of months like this it had only been a week and Alyx had already had three breakdowns.

Alyx sat on the chairs outside of Jenn's room, trying to distract herself by scrolling through her twitter and at first it worked until she came across a post

You've got us through so much Jenn. We love you so much. Stay strong beautiful and don't stop fighting😭❤️

Alyx had no idea how people found out about the accident but the hashtag was 2nd on the trending list and had tweets from people like Jc, kian, Liza, gabbie and all sorts of people. She began to look through them and the amount of love and support was crazy and it gave Alyx the best idea. What is one thing Jenn loves more than anything? Her fans!

You guys I need you to send me videos of you telling me why you love Jenn. Your messages were beautiful and I want to make a video out of them so Jenn can hear you because I really believe that hearing you guys will give her that one last push. She loves you guys more than anything so please please send in your videos❤️

Within minutes Alyx's DM's were flooded with heart felt messages from Jenn fans. Alyx sat outside Jenn's room for hours and watch every video that was sent to her by the time she had watched them all her top was soaked from crying so much. There was only one last video to make. Alyx's. She took out her camera and began to video herself.

"Agh this is so hard" Alyx sighed shaking her head in frustration "I've watched every single video and I still don't know what to say"

"What I really want to say to you I know I can't so I'm just gonna remind you of how much I love you because you know I love you more than anything in this world. Your my best friend" Alyx wasn't just saying Jenn was her best friend to hide the fact they were a couple, Jenn truly was Alyx best friend. "We've been through so much together, and not everything was good we've had some rough patches but we always make it back to each other and that's how I know your gonna come back to me again"

"It's meant to be"

"Keep fighting Jenn"

Jalyx - Lose YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora