Someone She Loves

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Alyx was over the moon. She couldn't stop smiling, she had been so down recently because she missed Jenn but now there was a bit of hope that she might have a shot at getting her back and even though it was small it was still a shot and Alyx would take whatever she could get.

"Guys" Shannon said her voice drastically changing from her earlier goofy and happy voice

"What's up" Andrew asked

"Isn't that Jenn's car" Shannon said stopping her own car

Alyx's heart dropped and the colour drained from her face when she saw what was in front of her.

"Jenn!" Alyx screamed jumping out the car and sprinting towards the wreckage on the road, the rest of her friends followed her.

"Oh my god Jenn" Alyx sobbed when she saw Jenn's face there was blood everywhere and she was unconscious

"Has anyone phoned an ambulance" Alyx heard someone shout

Alyx had no idea what to do she just wanted Jenn to wake up, this wasn't meant to happen this was suppose to be there second chance at happiness.

"Guys what's that smell" Andrew shouted his voice breaking because he was crying "get everyone out the car now it's on fire! The back of the car is on fire!"

All Alyx could think about was Jenn and how she had to get Jenn out the car she couldn't think of anyone else. She grabbed underneath Jenn's legs and used her other arm to support her neck.

"Jenn" Alyx said who was now laying next to Jenn hysterically crying "please don't leave me, I can't live here without you so I need you to wake up Jenn okay? Wake up! Please. Please Jenn"

The rest of the night was a blur for Alyx it's as if she had blacked out during certain points, she remembers that Jenn crashed and that she pulled her out the car but after that her mind was blank she couldn't remember anything and it was now the next morning and she was starting to wake up.

"Hey hey, take your time" A woman said to Alyx who had her head resting on the woman's knee. As Alyx started to come around she realised it was Jenn's mum

"Mrs McAllister" Alyx said sitting up and embracing Jenn's mum into a hug "how's Jenn can we see her yet"

"She's not woke up yet love, but the doctors said that surgery went well and they were able to stop the bleeding" Jenn's mum said, Alyx could tell that she was trying to stay strong so she wouldn't worry Alyx

"Well that's good we've got to stay positive have the doctors said when we can see her"

"Not yet but they said they'll come and find me. Why don't you go home for a while, you know maybe change into something more comfy and get some sleep"

"I'd much rather be here when she wakes up I don't want her to think I've abandoned her"

"I know but I don't think she's going to wake up today but I'll text you as soon as we're allowed to see her and maybe you could pick up some things from her apartment, like candles, blankets or CDs things she likes the doctor said sometimes if they hear something or smell something that reminds them of something or someone they love it can help them wake up"

"Of course Mrs McAllister anything that will help her through this" Alyx said rubbing Jenn's moms arm

"Thank you love"

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