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Alyx walked to Jenn's bed and leaned over to kiss Jenn's head

"Hey baby" Alyx said sitting down on the chair and taking Jenn's hand "I've got something for you, I think your going to love it"

Alyx set up her computer and got the video up and was ready to play it

"Do you mind if I sit with you" Jenn's mom asked standing at the door

"Of course not"

Jenn mom sat at the opposite side of the bed and took Jenn's other hand

"You ready" Alyx asked

"Yeah" Jenn's mom said pressing the space bar and playing the video

The video started with Jack Jenn's best friend "I love you Jenn" and then to Ricky who apologised for not doing more the night of the crash "I'm so sorry Jenn" and then transitioned into Jenn's fans some mentioning how Jenn has helped them stay strong "you're videos have helped me to stay strong and to keep going no matter what" some complemented her "your so amazing Jenn I can't believe something like this is happening to someone so kind and genuine" one fan talked about how she helped him accept himself "your videos gave me the courage to be myself and come out to my family" the video lasted five minutes transitioning between Jenn's fans and friends until it finally ended with Alyx.

The room was silent until Alyx finally spoke.

"I didn't get to say everything I wanted on the video because I know your not ready to tell people about us but I want you to know that no matter what you decide I want you in my life Jenn because I can't face loosing you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, whether that's as girlfriends or just friends I'll be happy as long as I have you" Alyx said

"I never got to make a message for you" Jenn's mom said "so I want you to know that Im sorry, I've realised now how bad a mother I've been and I'm disgusted with myself. I let my beliefs come before you and I let your dad treat you the way he did I should have told him to leave as soon as he lay a finger on you but I was scared and I know that's not an excuse but I promise you Jenn I promise I'm going to change. I love you Jenn, and whoever you decide to love I will love them too and I really hope that person is Alyx because seeing her fight time and time again for you has shown me how much she loves you and that's what I want for you. I don't want you to have a normal life. I want you to have the best life possible and I know Alyx will give you that and I hope that I can be part of that life"

"You really mean that" Alyx said in disbelief

"Yes I do" Jenn's mom said wiping her tears away "I can see how much you love her and I know she loves you too"

Alyx couldn't help herself as she embraced Jenn's mom into a hug. Even after everything that's happened Alyx truly believed that Jenn's mom wanted to change.

"I promise I'll look after her" Alyx said still hugging Jenn's mom

"I know you will" Jenn's mom said leaning away and wiping Alyx's cheek that had a tear running down it. And thats when Alyx saw it. She wasn't sure if she imagined it or if it was real so she stood for a couple more seconds and it happened again

"Jenn" Alyx said kneeling next to her bed and again Jenn's finger twitched

"Oh my goodness" Jenn's mom said "we need to get a nurse...NURSE!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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