Goodbye Letter

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As the sun finally started to rise the next day Alyx was woken by the bright orange light peaking through Jenn's broken blinds that Alyx was meant to have fixed months ago, and the throbbing pain in her arm. She had woken up a few times during the night feeling the same pain because Jenn had decided that Alyx's arm was way more comfy than her actual pillow but she looked so comfy and peaceful so Alyx chose to ignore the pain and let her sleep.

Alyx lay there for a bit just looking at the girl laying next to her. She looked so cute with her hair in a messy bun and her natural face, Jenn used to feel so insecure around Alyx with no make up. When they first started dating Jenn would make sure she woke up before Alyx just so she could put her make up on until one day Alyx decided to treat Jenn to some breakfast in bed, she made pancakes, a fruit salad, heart shaped toast and put it all on a tray and carried it to her and that was the first time she ever saw Jenn without make up and her first thoughts were just wow, this girl is beautiful.

Once Alyx had finally finished going down memory lane she realised that she had to leave, she couldn't bare the thought of having to leave while Jenn was awake that would just break her more than she already was, so she carefully slid her arm out from Jenn's head and carefully stood up. She made sure to fix the blinds first since she promised she would and so the light wasn't shining on Jenn's face then collected a few of her things and put them in her back pack.

ALYX - hey I know it's early and I'm really hoping your awake right now cause I need to ask a huge favour.

SHANNON - well your in luck. What's up?

ALYX - OMG thank you. It's a really long story but I just need someone to come pick me up from Jenn's.

SHANNON - Of course! Do you want to talk about whatever's happened?

ALYX - Honestly yes. I'll tell you everything when you get here just text me when your outside

As alyx waited she realised that leaving without saying anything probably isn't the best idea so she decided to write a letter. I guess you could call it a goodbye letter.

So I don't really know how to write one of these as you can probably already tell. I guess I just wanted to tell you that, uh, well that I love you and that if you ever need anything and I mean anything, you could ask me for a fucking tampon and I'd be here in a heart beat so just remember that okay even if we're not talking I'll still be here and also don't forget about me, only joking we'll probably see each other in 2 weeks for jacks birthday I just wanted to be dramatic and I know I'm being really stupid in this letter but that's just how I deal with shit and it probably seems like I don't care but I do, I really fucking care and in all honesty I wish I didn't have to write this letter because it's breaking my fucking heart so yeah, just be safe Jenn and take care of yourself okay.

Ps - I fixed the blinds, sorry it took so long :)

I love you,
                    Alyx 🖤

Once she had wrote the letter she folded it and wrote Jenn's name on it and placed it on her bedside table.

SHANNON - I'm outside

Alyx took one last moment and placed a soft kiss on Jenn's forehead.

"I love you" Alyx whispered and for a split second Alyx thought she could see a smile form on Jenn's face. Maybe she was just dreaming or maybe in some way Jenn could hear her, well that's what Alyx chose to believe.

Jalyx - Lose YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora