Maybe That's The Best

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Alyx woke up on the cold damp floor of her cell holding her head as the memory's of last night came flooding back

"Shit" Alyx said standing up and putting her head in her hands. Alyx had struggled with her anger before when she was younger it's as if a red mist comes over her and she can't stop herself but she thought she had it under control. Her and Jenn used to come up with so many silly ways to help her control it but the only one that really worked was Jenn, just the sound of her voice could calm Alyx down but she wasn't here and now Alyx isn't sitting by her bed to make sure she was okay.

The door of Alyx's cell began to click and the door slowly swung open

"Alyx Weiss" a familiar voice said "I didn't think I would see you back here"

"Paddy" Alyx said surprised that the old man was still working here

"They want to interview you" he said recuffing Alyx's wrist "so what have you done this time... no don't tell me vandalism" Alyx shook her head "stealing" again Alyx shook her head "it's got to be fighting then" and Alyx stayed silent

"You said you wouldn't be back here again Alyx" he said shaking his head "and your not going to get away with a few months of community service your an adult now"

"I know paddy, I know I messed up" she said as she was escorted to a room

"Well you better hope you've not messed up to much" he said sitting her down and cuffing her to the table before leaving the room

Alyx was all to familiar with these rooms the dull brick walls the mirrored wall where she knew people were looking at her, she never thought she would be sitting here again but here she was.

After two minutes of waiting two men in suits walked into the room and sat down in front of her slamming there files down on the table. They said there usual piece as the camera filmed behind them

"So" the man said looking at his files "Alyx Weiss, your probably used to this by now I can tell by your files" he said flicking through them

"Vandalism, petty theft, assault, possession the list is quite long"

"That was my past" Alyx said defending herself

"If it was your past then explain to me why your sitting here again" the man said back and Alyx didn't know what to say

"I didn't mean it" was all Alyx could say  but again the man had a comeback to that too and he placed two pictures of Lauren in front of her

"So what happen then did you slip and fall into her or did she fall into your fist"

"She provoked me" Alyx said "I asked her twice to leave but she wouldn't listen"

"So that gives you the right to break her noise and cause severe bruising to her abdomen" Alyx went to reply but the man continued on "we also have witnesses who say that you told the woman that you would ruin her fucking life, what did you mean by that Alyx"

"I was angry" Alyx said starting to become frustrated and anxious "everyone says things they don't mean when there angry"

"People shout when there angry or maybe even scream but they don't assault people or threaten them"

"It wasn't a threat"

"Well what was it. Was it a promise"

"I...I..." Alyx was beginning to crumble under the pressure

"Well tell us Alyx what did you mean"

"It was said out of anger it didn't mean anything" Alyx said and the man continued to talk until he was interrupted by a knock at the door and a young man entered. The three men stood at the door muttering to each other but Alyx couldn't make out what they were saying. After two minutes that felt like hours they had finally finished talking and the younger man walked over to Alyx and released her arms from the table

"What going on" Alyx asked confused "what's happening"

"It's your lucky day" the man said "your charges have been dropped your free to go"

Alyx let out a sigh of relief after hearing that, there was no way she would have gotten away with it if Lauren had pressed charges, but if she thought this would mean she's forgiven then she has another thing coming. I don't think Alyx will ever be able to forgive Lauren

As Alyx collected her things from the reception she looked on her phone she had ten missed calls all from Jenn's mom so she immediately phone her back.

"Hello" Jenn's mom said

"Mrs McAllister is everything okay I'm so sorry I missed your calls it's a long story"

"I know the hospital told me" Jenn's mom said sounding upset "I can't believe you would leave her here by herself"

When Jenn's mom said those words it broke Alyx's heart because Alyx already hated herself for leaving her and hearing Jenn's mom so upset just made her feel ten times worse.

"I'm so so sorry Mrs Mcallister I tried I really tried to control myself but she just kept pushing and pushing until I snapped" Alyx said holding back her tears

"I can't trust you Alyx" Jenn's mom said "I don't want you coming to visit Jenn anymore"

"What" Alyx said "you can't do this Mrs McAllister, you don't realise how much Jenn means to me"

"I do Alyx, Jenn told me, why do you think she broke up with you, her father doesn't agree with it that's why he's not here and maybe he was right maybe you are bad for our daughter"

"She told you"

"Goodbye Alyx"

"Mrs McAllister please wait! You can't do this I need to see her! She'll think I've abandoned her"

"Maybe that's the best" was the last thing she said before she hung up the phone.

How could she do this. Jenn needed Alyx and Alyx needed Jenn look how much her life has spiralled just in three days how was she meant to survive the rest of her life without her. She needed to see her. She needed to be there when she woke up.

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