Won't Stop Fighting

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Alyx went straight to Jenn's house after her conversation with Jenn's mom to collect some things. She was instantly greeted by Jenn's dog.

"Hey Finny" Alyx sighed knelling down to pet him and give him a kiss "you hungry buddy? Want some food?"

But Finn didn't do anything he didn't bark he didn't run to his bowl like he usually did he just sat, looking at the door. Waiting for Jenn.

"Come on Finn you need to eat and I need to get back to the hospital" Alyx said getting frustrated at the dog

But Finn still sat by the door whimpering as if he knew something wasn't right.

"I've left some in your bowl" Alyx said sitting the bowl down next to him and walking to the bedroom.

Alyx didn't know where to start, I mean what sort of things are you meant to take to your ex girlfriend who's lying in a hospital bed in a coma, no one tells you how your meant to deal with that, no one ever thinks they'll have to deal with something like that until it happens and then your left to deal with it all, the confusion, the anger, the sadness and that's exactly how Alyx was feeling she couldn't even pick out a pair of clothes before she was curled up in a ball holding one of Jenn's hoodies and crying into it she was distraught and she didn't know how to handle it but she had to be strong, she had to stay positive not just for Jenn but for Jenn's mom too who was probably feeling ten times worse.

Alyx managed to dig deep and pull herself together, she took a deep breath and calmed her breathing.

"You can do this Alyx" she said to herself as she scanned around the room looking for memories or things Jenn loved.

She managed to find quite a few, she picked out: Jenn's Pennsylvania candle she got when she moved to LA, A few photos of Jenn's favourite memories, The perfume Alyx bought her for their anniversary, she even picked up Jenn's pillow so she could swap it with the hospital one.

"Hey good boy Finny" Alyx said as she walked into the kitchen and realised all his food was gone. She placed all the items she collected onto the kitchen counter.

"Will we go a walk" she asked waving the lead in front of Finn who unenthusiastically wondered over to Alyx

"Mommy will be home soon buddy, don't you worry, but you'll just have to put up with me for a while" she said as she put the lead on the dog and took him on a quick walk

When Alyx got back to Jenn's she still hadn't heard anything from Jenn's mom, she didn't understand why it was taking so long but there's nothing she could do and getting annoyed wasn't going to make it go any faster so she decided to just watch some TV on the sofa and cuddle with Finny.

Alyx eventually fell asleep on the sofa but was woken up not long after by her phone vibrating in her pocket. It was Jenn's mom.

"Hello" Alyx said her voice a little raspy

"Hey how are you did you get some rest" Jenn's mom asked

"I'm good, I managed to get a wee bit of sleep, how is everything? How's Jenn? Can we see her?" Alyx said asking question after question

"Everything's fine, the doctors said she stable now and that we can start going in to see her"

"That's great I've picked up a few things so I'll drive up now"

"Okay love I'm going to go in just now and when you come up I'll give you some privacy" Jenn's mom said her voice sounding shaky and Alyx picked up on it

"Thank you" Alyx said "and Mrs McAllister Jenn's going to be okay, she is the strongest person I know and no matter how hard it gets I know that Jenn wont stop fighting"

"I know love anyways I'm going to go in and I'll see you soon"

"Bye Mrs McAllister"

As soon as Alyx hung up the phone she was rushing around the house she wanted to get to Jenn as soon as possible. She grabbed whatever clothes she could find and stuck them on and rushed out the door.

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