Fucking Bullshit

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It had been two days since Alyx had last seen Jenn and she wasn't doing good, she hadn't left her bed since. Alyx had only ever been like this once before and that was when her grandmother past away but obviously she had Jenn then.

As Alyx lay in her bed with her earphones in blocking out the world, Shannon, Alyx's best friend had just walked into her apartment.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" Shannon shouted flinging a cushion at Alyx

"What the hell" Alyx shouted back "how did you get in here"

"Your door was unlocked you idiot anyone could have walked in" Shannon said on the verge of giving Alyx a lecture

"Look I don't need the lecture Shannon I'm already dealing with enough"

Shannon let out a sigh and sat down next to Alyx

"I'm sorry" Shannon said but Alyx didn't reply "you know Jenn wouldn't want to see you like this"

"And how the hell do you know what Jenn would want" Alyx snapped

"I didn't come here to be your personal punching bag Alyx okay! Your my best friend but you snapping at me isn't going to solve anything"

"What is going to solve it then because I've ran out of ideas and I've not got the strength to keep fighting. I've tried speaking to Jenn's mom I've begged her but that didn't work and every time I go to the hospital she's always there it's impossible Shannon!"

"Not for me"

"What do you mean"

"I can still go see her"

"But how does that help me"

"Well obviously you can't be there in person but I can let you speak to her on the phone" Shannon said "and I know it's not the same as seeing her in person but it's the best I can think of just now"

"Thank you"  Alyx said turning to give her best friend a hug "thank you so much"

"Don't thank me yet it'll need to work first"

"I trust you"

Alyx and Shannon talked through some plans for a while but realised that they wouldn't be able to do this by there selfs so they decided to text Jenn's best friend Jack.

Shannon - your close to Jenn's mom right?

Jack - I mean yeah I've know her since I was a wee boy

Shannon - look I totally understand if you say no but I need you to distract Jenn's mom while I go visit Jenn

Jack - why would I need to distract her just tell her your here to visit

Shannon - it's not for me it's for Alyx you've probably heard what happened

Jack - yeah I heard and tell her I'm totally on her side Jenn's mom is totally out of order but I just don't know if I can do it

Shannon - I understand don't stress about it well think of something

Alyx felt defeated she didn't know what else to do maybe giving up was the best idea, maybe she should just move back home and pretend none of this ever happened it would probably be for the best instead of putting Jenn through all this hurt with her parents and Alyx.

"Don't worry Alyx I won't give up we don't need jack we can do this by ourself" Shannon said walking over to Alyx and putting her arm around her

"Just forget about it Shannon I don't want to put her through all this with her parents"

"Alyx you know for a fact if Jenn was awake she would defend you, you mean everything to her"

"No she wouldn't Shannon because her parents already know about us that's why we're not together anymore she chose her parents and I don't blame her I would have done the same when I was at her stage of coming out" Alyx said

"I'm not going to listen to this fucking bullshit Alyx" Shannon shouted "if you give up on her I mean it Alyx I'll never forgive you! She needs you, she needs you now more than ever"

"There's nothing else I can do! Either way shes going to think I've abandoned her"

"Not if you keep fighting, if it was me I would be sitting outside her room everyday until she woke up I wouldn't move an inch no matter how much hassle her mom was giving me"

"Her moms got to leave at some point" Alyx said as if a lightbulb had just went of "your a fucking genius Shannon can you drive me to the hospital"

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