t. stark

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tony after you took cap's side over the accords

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tony after you took cap's side over the accords.

you and tony have been married for 7 years and as much as you hate to say it, at this point it was dying down.
you werent doing it to spite him, you just believed that what tony thought was wrong. you wanted the right to choose not to be shoved aside.

you shuffled nervously down the corridor of the compound, you were going to tell tony.
when you arrived tony and steve were arguing, you hated it. your two best friends being ripped away from eachother.
"oh Y/N honey, come in. we were just finishing?" tony said, turning away from steve.
"i need to talk to you" you whispered, nodding towards the door.
"no we can talk here, go ahead" he pushed,
"tony. i want to talk in private!" you whisper shouted, "no talk here, im sure steve can listen to what you have to say"

he always did this, you hated it. he wanted his way, all day. it wasn't fair.
you were sick of it.
"i agree with steve!" you blurted out, not thinking about the effect it could have on tony. "i agree with him about the accords! i want freedom tony! you don't know what its like to be different. this is my only chance to do what i want and i don't want you taking that away from me!"

tony looked at you, his face littered with disappointment and sadness. you betrayed him.

"tony- i-" you tried but he cut you off.
"no i don't wanna hear it, you betrayed my trust Y/N you now how long it took me to gain that. i love you so much, every bone in my body loves you. i might not act like i do but im just trying to protect you" tony shouted, tears threatening to spill.

he turned to steve.


"i hope you're happy now? you've taken everything from me!"

"tony, its her decision."

𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚔𝚒 | 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚕 𝚐𝚒𝚏 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 #𝟷Where stories live. Discover now