Chapter Three: Right and Wrong

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          A high pitched buzzing filled our ears as one, and thankfully bigger, thing began its ascent to wreak havoc somewhere else. It was now or never. I signaled to Jamie who had stealthily moved closer to the manhole cover about 25 feet away that it was time. I started to dash towards the creature as Jamie picked up the cover and swung in a circle multiple times before finally letting it fly. When I was about ten feet away from my target I heard Jamie yell in a panicked voice, "You had better be right about this!"

           My legs coiled and I sprung, the wind brushing past me like a friend. My mouth spread into a firm smile: I would show him just how right I was. Once my leap brought me close enough I quickly took out my standard issue police knife and shoved it into the back of the alien's armor. It held and I sagged with relief. I was about six feet off the ground as the monster whipped around to try and throw me off, but I was there to stay.

          I watched it fire a shot while struggling. Ha, it had just shown me how to shoot the gun. Removing my knife from the armor, I violently plunged it into its eye. A shriek shuddered through my body as I wrapped my arms around its arm and grasped the gun. I leveraged my body in order to force its arm back just enough so it was aiming directly at the torso. I didn't hesitate. BOOM! I clasped the gun as I felt myself fly backwards through the air. Projectile armor sliced my skin and then something a bit...fleshier made contact with my face. Ew. Jamie whooped, and I knew our plan had worked. The gun was much heavier than I expected, and it made my left shoulder burn with the burden of holding it, but none of that mattered. Now we actually stood a fighting chance. We might just survive! I ran back to Jamie as we took shelter in a partially collapsed café. A multitude of buzzing noises signaled that more would be coming, but we were prepared.

           Jamie took shots at the flying scooter things they rode with his trusty police pistol. That would either damage it, and they would fall, or it would piss them off. Personally, I preferred pissing them off because then I could see their ugly mugs before I blew them up. Jamie liked the safer approach. We had taken out nine aliens when the sky seemed relatively clear. I turned to Jamie and thrust the gun at him.

           "Cover me!" Without waiting for a reply I dashed into the street leaping over debris and bodies, both alien and human. My adrenaline rush gave me crystal clear focus and I found what I was looking for quickly. An intact alien gun laid about thirty feet in front of me. As I was going for the gun I heard Jamie yell and saw an alien squad of about five moving toward me. Their guns were aimed and I could almost sense them about to pull the trigger. My muscles tensed, I took a slow breath, and all hell broke loose. Multiple beams came for me so I sprang forward and somersaulted behind a large chunk of wall. I waited for fire...when none came I broke into a sprint that made my whole body ache. Just a few more feet. Another blast was coming for me. I slid onto the asphalt, scooped up the gun while rolling to my side, and smoothly shot down two of the aliens. The shots worked better than I anticipated as the blast threw a third off its flying scooter and into the alien to the right of it.

          Jamie and I both used our newly acquired weapons to make sure they would not be getting back up. Catching my breath, I cast a quick smile to Jamie and saw him look back at me with wonder. I knew why, I mean, not to brag but I had just kicked some serious alien ass.

          Turning to the bodies I yelled, "Suck it!"

          A strangled cry brought me out of my reverie. At first, I thought it was Jamie, but it didn't sound quite like him. Quickly turning around blue, red, and white filled my vision. I could hardly believe my eyes. Further down the street was Captain America surrounded by five monsters.


          "Let's go!" He ran to my side. "What's the plan?" Behind the adrenaline he sounded so tired. I gave him a worried glance. "I'm fine." The dubious look on my face proved I didn't believe him. "Terri, not everyone has a freakishly high stamina like you. I'll be fine. It's not every day that you get a chance to save Captain America." He flashed me a determined dimpled smile. This man was willing to stay by my side for better or for worse. Not even the prospect of death drove him away. I clasped his hand, never wanting to let go. Our hands were scratched, bloody, and bruised, but it still felt like home.

Agent of Chaos: A Captain America FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now