Chapter Six: The Superhero Club

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          It had been exactly four weeks three days and a handful of hours since Fury visited me in the hospital. After his brief visit I had not seen him again, but I received all the information I needed the day after his trip in a large, black backpack. It contained an academy badge that would allow me entrance to the academy, two uniforms, two pairs of combat boots, and a discreet looking package. Upon opening, I found it contained a book that told me about the academies of Communication, Science and Technology, and Operations. I was to be enrolled in the Academy of Operations which specialized in producing field agents and also had the highest dropout rate. Whoopee.

          Receiving the package meant the entire ordeal had been real and not some drug stupor fantasy I had concocted. After that validation I put every fiber of my being into overdrive to repair and heal. My recovery time was one of the fastest the nurses and doctors had seen for the severity of my injuries. One called it superhuman. Perhaps I did belong in the Superhero Club.

          Finally, I was given a clean bill of health and released from the hospital; the moment I stepped out of the building I found a black SUV waiting for me. A large, middle aged man in a black suit approached me with quick, assured steps. His brown eyes rolled over my body in an uncomfortably appraising way.

          "Ms. Moore?" his voice held quiet power that commanded attention. I unconsciously straightened my posture.

          "Yes, Terri Moore. You are?" I glanced at where the sleek lines of his black suit bulged slightly at the side, a gun. A little shiver ran through me. I was actually on my way to becoming a S.H.I.E.LD. agent.

          "I am the man who will ask the questions. You will address me as Agent Nickelson. I will be your handler as well as a professor at the Academy."

          "S.H.I.E.LD. has teachers? Why is that so surp-" His rough hand quickly covered my mouth.

          "Do you have any sense of confidentiality?! I was skeptical when they said I would be put with a public servant, but this is ridiculous. I told them, a woman like you doesn't have a place in this agency. No woman does." He sneered down at me, his thin blonde hair brushing across arched eyebrows. Ha, tell that to the Black Widow and see how you would fair. I would love to see that. The man had made it very clear how little he thought of me even when I was completely new to this thing. Asshole.

          "How could you possibly belittle a public servant when you're one as well? You work to protect the people, a.k.a a public servant, but you already knew that, you just happened to forget...for convenience's sake," I sneered back at him. Mayday, mayday, shooting self in foot. Do not piss of superior, handler, and teacher upon first meeting. What the hell are you doing!? I quickly glanced at Agent Nickelson's face to find his lips compressed into a line so thin I thought they would disappear. His face also took on the hue of a very angry tomato. Why do you have to be so mouthy? Sometimes getting in the last word wasn't the best idea.

          "Get in the car. If you so much as utter one word I will drop you back into oblivion faster than your smart mouth can work." He quickly got into the driver's side of the SUV turning his steely eyes to the road without so much as a glance back to me. What a great start to this adventure. The drive to the S.H.I.E.L.D Academies proved much more awkward and laborious than I thought possible. Agent Nickelson stayed true to his words; the moment I took a breath to begin speaking, he pulled to the side of the road and unlocked the passenger door. From that point on I simply watched the scenery change from urban to suburban to rural. The trees passed the fast moving vehicle in a green blur. With each mile traveled I could feel my excitement increasing. However, the stationary position of the passenger seat allowed for other emotions to creep in, not just excitement.

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