Chapter 11: Playing Dirty

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          "I hope you all enjoyed today's warm up," Coulson called to the line of panting, sweaty candidates. "The real work begins now." I could practically feel everyone sag a bit. "Today we will be assessing your fighting skills. I'll be pairing each one of you with an instructor for the assessment. Good luck." I looked behind him to find the group of original instructors had tripled in size. Agent Nickelson was one of them, and I tried my best to stifle my shudder. Hopefully I wouldn't be put with him. A mass of dark red curls drew my attention away from the chauvinistic agent and to a stunningly beautiful woman. She was wearing the standard issue black uniform of the other instructors, but just by being on her it looked flawlessly glamorous.

          She also happened to be the only woman in the thick forest of men. Her frosty blue eyes scanned the room taking in each candidate with a quick, careful assessment. I hastily averted my gaze before I could be caught staring which I was apparently making a bad habit of mine.

          "Moore, you'll be with Captain Rogers," Coulson said while throwing a roll of gauze and tape at me. I deftly caught both. Wrapping my hands in the fighting gauze, I quickly made my way over to the hulking mass of man, heart racing the entire way. I could feel every single nerve in my body standing on edge- it was the feeling of teetering precariously on the peak of a cliff; one misstep and I would fall to my demise. Everything was riding on how well I could fight, because if I didn't succeed here, I would be cut faster than a cop could make donuts disappear.

          It was only natural that I, with my abundance of luck, would be paired against a superhero. Never did I imagine that I would be fighting Captain America. The man was like four of me put together! But that didn't matter. I wouldn't be given a fair fight in the real world, so why should I have expected it here? I came to a stop in front of the Captain.

          "Miss Moore," Captain Rogers said with a soft voice and a nod. Predictably, my cheeks began to heat up. Ok, Moore. Get it together. You can't be focusing on how gorgeous your hero is. Right now, he's the instructor preparing to lay you out on your ass. You need to do what you're good at. Concentrate and assess. Captain Rogers was going to be much stronger and faster than I could have ever hoped to be what with being a superhero and all, but I had my size going for me. I was much smaller and more flexible than him. Maybe, just maybe, I could tangle him up.

          The gauze was wrapped tightly around my wrists, palms, and knuckles now, so I taped them off and prepared for the battle to come.

          "Let's begin. Are you ready, Moore?"

          "Hey Captain?" Rogers glanced at me with curiosity. "If I win this fight, can I ask you a question?"

         "You really think you'll win?" He asked with just a hint of cockiness in his voice.

          "Captain, surely you don't think you'll win just because I'm a girl?" I zeroed in on him with my best hurt look throwing in puppy dog eyes for good measure. His mouth popped open in surprise, and he stood there bewildered.

          "Miss, Moore, I-I would never assume, I-" while he was scrambling to verbally defend himself, I threw my first punch aimed right for his jaw. Sometimes playing dirty was the only way to win against a better opponent. Catching on, he caught my wrist with an adroit block. His speed was like nothing I had ever seen before; his movements almost seemed to blur with it. I tried to keep up, but he was far too quick, landing blow after blow as I halfheartedly blocked them against his insane speed. A punch to my side had me thrown off balance and the wind rushing out of me. I expected him to play offense for this battle, but I didn't think he would start doing it so quickly. I tucked my shoulders and rolled backwards before Rogers's next hit could find a home.

Agent of Chaos: A Captain America FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now