Chapter 18: Capture the Intel Part 1

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          I was completely surrounded. Seven men in black garb similar to my own had me flanked on all sides- the dark, metallic barrels of their assault rifles stared me down menacingly. Having a gun pointed at me was definitely my least favorite part of the job.

          "Surrender!" A man standing at my 3 o'clock commanded with a booming voice.

          "Not likely," I responded in kind while slowly circling to check my surroundings. The men had taken up shop tightly enough around me that I wouldn't be able to slip past them. I had nowhere to take cover for the eventual fire fight. I could take out maybe two or three guys before getting hit with a fatal shot which would do me absolutely no good. I was truly boned.

          "Surrender or be killed," The same man said with impatience. I needed to stall, so I could cobble a plan together that didn't involve serious bodily harm for myself.

          "Surrender or be killed? That's the best you could do? I can think of so many more creative options; we could go bowling or get sushi, maybe do some karaoke. There're much better things we could do with our time. What do ya say?" Oh boy, this was not going well. Before the man calling the shots could respond, a horrendous screech of metal was emitted from the ceiling followed by a silver vent crashing down spectacularly from it. I didn't bother to see what caused the commotion. Instead I used the momentary distraction to unload three perfectly aimed shots of my pistol into the heads of the three men behind me.

          I caught the smallest of the three before he could hit the ground and hauled the man in front of myself as a human shield. Cover in place, I took out two more of the guards to the right who were showering fire upon me. Five down, two to go. This was going to be too easy! The man in charge was preoccupied with whatever tumbled out of the air duct, so my escape was now quite possible. A tall man to Mr. Leader's left fired multiple shots at me, but my meaty shield performed wonderfully. Rushing towards him, I heaved my makeshift shelter at him, forcing him to drop his rifle.

          My aim was true, and swiftly found the man's beating heart. With a strangled cry, he dropped like a sack of very vocal rocks.

          "STOP RIGHT THERE! BOTH OF YOU!" Mr. Leader screamed while firing off a round of warning shots that echoed in hallway littered with bodies. Both of us? I looked towards the fallen air duct to find an oh-so familiar thin frame attempting to skitter away. That little bastard! If I weren't so furious with his appearance, I would have been impressed that he was still alive. Mr. Leader fired another shot, but this time it was trained on Nolan. Screaming, he grabbed his left arm and leaned heavily against the wall, his escape halted.

          "Nolan!" I roared as I started to stalk towards him, Mr. Leader all but forgotten about. Fear passed through his pain glazed eyes.

          "Terri. You're still alive."

          "No thanks to you," I growled out. His eyes were trained on the pistol I had aimed right at his head. "What happened to all your talk of team work, hmm? You're the reason we're in this freaking mess, and here you are trying to escape without us. Nice to see how far your loyalty goes."

          "Did you stop to consider that maybe I was coming to help you?!" He yelled back at me. His breathing was coming out in ragged huffs, but that didn't stop him from raising his own firearm and pointing it at me. "Put your gun down, Terri."

          "Why don't you go ahead and make me, Keller."

          "Uh, guys?" Mr. Leader hesitantly called from behind us. We both ignored him, choosing instead to keep our pistols steadfastly trained on each other.

          "Please, Terri, I don't want to do this."

          "Should have thought about that before you left us for dead." Frustration marred his beautiful, elfin face.

          "Terri, I will shoot," he said with resolve boiling in his voice.

          "Me too." Our shots sounded at the same time, and then all that existed was pain and finally sweet darkness.  

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