Chapter 16: Supply Closet Soiree

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          I had everything mapped out, even the eventual arguments. The mission was simple. Step one: gather my stuff. That had been easy- after being discharged from the infirmary, I made sure to swing by the bunks during breakfast time. The place was emptier than Vinny Nalto's vapid head. I was currently on step two: find Coulson. Soon to follow would be step three: tender my resignation, and step four: Avoid Captain America at all costs. I didn't want to face his inevitable disappointment at my departure. Well, I hoped there would be disappointment. It was probably more likely that I was overestimating my value in his eyes, but I needed a bit of hope to get me through throwing my dreams away.

          The final step was going to be the most difficult logistically. Step five was to get the heck out of Dodge. That wasn't going to be fun considering we were in the middle of nowhere. Maybe Coulson would be gracious enough to offer me a ride to home, wherever that may be. Ha, not likely.

          The backpack filled with my meager number of belongings dug into my shoulders sharply as I slinked down hallway after hallway. Finally, I reached my destination. Dread clung to me when I realized the blatantly empty name plaque was missing from the silver door. Apparently, Coulson had changed offices again. Crap to the tenth power. I drew in a large breath, letting it hiss through my teeth. Terri Moore would not be deterred. A brave hero always welcomed adversity with adeptness and grace.

          I placed my hands on my hips and drew myself up straighter than a lightning rod or, you know, really straight stuff. I could picture a large, elegant cape billowing behind me as if catching in a soft breeze. Aha! There was one more reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn't right for me: there were no capes. If I was going to be a great hero, I would definitely require the classic accessory. Prepare yourself, Coulson. I'm coming to find you. A deep laugh interrupted my head threats.

          "What are you doing?" asked the voice I was becoming all too familiar with. Whelp, there goes step four. My imagined cape disappeared as I whipped around to find the well-muscled Captain standing there with arms crossed and one eyebrow raised in question. Hot damn! It was a good look for him.

          "Oh, you know," I nonchalantly rolled my shoulders and clapped my hands together, hoping to distract him from my obvious check out. "Just what every person does before they deliver bad news." The smile quickly disappeared from his face. "What are you up to, sir?" I threw in the formal address for good measure.

          "Looking for you actually." The arm I was using to support myself as I leaned up against the wall slipped, causing me to almost know myself out. The Captain moved forward to help, but I held up a hand stopping him. My face was burning, however, I didn't try to look away from his concerned gaze. I couldn't miss my last opportunity to see beauty crafted directly by the gods. Well, more like a mad German scientist, but meh, semantics.

          "Why, um, why exactly are you doing that?"

          His gaze lingered on my face before he spoke. "When I couldn't find you in the infirmary or class, I guessed you might try and run." His expression hardened as he noticed the black bag slung across my back.

          "Well, that... that would be an accurate guess." Silence followed my words. "This was a great talk, Captain. Now, I'm going to go find the wease- excuse me, Agent Coulson before he has a chance to disappear somewhere even more inconvenient." I made a move to pass him, but he held out an arm stopping my motion.


          "Why does Coulson always disappear? I don't know, that's something you'll have to ask him over tea. Or maybe coffee. You both seem like the coffee type," I rambled, pointedly ignoring what he had actually been asking about. His arm had not moved an inch, and the heat radiating from it was becoming distracting.

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