Chapter 19: Capture the Intel Part 2

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Two hours earlier

"The rules for this game are simple: work as a team, capture the intel, don't get caught, and definitely don't get shot," Coulson explained dryly with his usual half smirk occupying his mouth. Startled whispers rushed through the remaining candidates. Don't get shot?! Vinny Nalto spoke loudly before Coulson could continue.

"You're not gonna use, like, real guns on us, are you?" The fear in his voice was palpable. I think most of us were right there with him though. S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy wasn't one to use kid gloves, so why wouldn't they use actual guns for training? Coulson scoffed softly.

"We don't want to kill off our promising agents just yet. This will answer your questions, so follow me." He led the candidates and instructors through the large facility to a door marked 'Bio Gear'. "Don't be scared of it. Go inside and find the locker with your name on it. I'll explain more once you've changed." He opened the door, and one by one we all filed in. I could feel excitement nipping at my heels- finally, we were going to be doing something more interesting that lectures or sparring!

After moments of searching, I found a black locker with masking tape bearing my name. Inside was a fairly odd combination of five things: a gun, two magazines for the gun, protective eyeglasses, and something that looked like a black morph suit with a hood. The first thing I grabbed was the gun; I recognized the clean lines of the gun to be a Beretta 92 FS. It was a nice step up from my police standard issue Glock. I tested the weight of the gun, and practiced aiming with the new sights before I placed it back in the locker to inspect the next item. The magazines contained 15 rounds each, but there was something off about them. They looked like regular 9mm bullets, but they had absolutely no weight to them. They were even lighter than blanks. I was tempted to load the gun and fire a shot then and there just to see what the bullet would do. That's a terrible, tempting idea. I quickly put the magazine back and continued my exploration.

The large protective glasses were different from any I had used before. The lenses didn't curve as much as other ones, and the arms were much thicker than I was used to with a little round button inlaid on either side. I put them on and clicked the small button on the right. Startled, I jumped back, clashing with the metal door of my locker. The glasses had images projected on the inside of them. There was a compass in the line of sight of my right eye, and my left had wind speed and temperature. It was a freaking heads-up display in glasses! How cool was that?!

I placed the glasses back in the locker, excited for what the black suit had in store. My inspection left disappointment drumming through me. As far as I could tell, it was just a thin body suit with a hood. Very anti-climactic stuff. I donned all my gear and waited for further instructions.

"Great, now that you're all changed, it's too late to back out." Oh lordy, commence the shoe dropping. "The suit that you're wearing is a special present from Tony Stark himself. The inside of the suit is fitted with millions of sensors and transmitters covering the entirety of it. Some of you might have noticed that your bullets are a bit... special. That's because they aren't actual bullets. They may look like it, but when fired, they emit a laser burst that the sensors in your suit will register. The transmitters will then send an electrical current to the area you are shot."

"Be warned, these suits are not toys. The shocks have been calibrated to deliver the same amount of pain a bullet would. Any fatal shots on the body will result in the suit going in to total body lockdown in which the suit will keep you from moving, so don't get shot in the head or heart. Simple enough?" Oh, this was going to be fun. Terrifying, but fun. We all nodded, some with trepidation, others with eagerness that rivaled a child given free rein in a candy shop.

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