Chapter Five: Can You Handle the Fury?

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          "Sir, the patient isn't awake yet. You can't just go in there."

          "The hell I can't. What did that sign say back there? It said that visiting hours are from 9 am to 5 pm. What time is it now? 9am."

          "Yes, but this particular patient-"

          "Do you know who I am?"

          "No, bu-but you can't just..." the female voice sounded extremely flustered.

          "I am Nick Fury, and I can go anywhere I damn well please. If I need to get clearance from your boss's boss's boss, I will. Make no mistake, I am going into that room." Heavy footsteps drew closer as the nurse let out a cry. A lock clicking into place could be heard after the closing of a door. "You're proving to be a very difficult case, Ms. Moore." Who was in my room? Why did such an imposing and important sounding man come to see me? "You've been asleep for five days, I think that's plenty. You have work to attend to. A new chapter of your life is opening, you just need to open your eyes and read it." For the past five days I had been slipping in and out of fitful sleeps after realizing what had actually happened. If I woke up I would simply knock myself into oblivion either through medication or my own means. Apparently, that was ending today. I was far too curious to ignore this mysterious man. My eyes were crusty and proved difficult to open as if begging me to continue sleeping.

          "There, that wasn't so hard." I gave him a questioning look. He was large in stature with dark skin that made the eye patch covering his left eye less noticeable. A menacing scar ran diagonally across his face making what was already pretty scary much more frightening. "I suppose introductions are in order. Don't bother on your part-I know far more about you than a simple introduction could convey. I am Nick Fury, commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. Have you heard of it?" I weakly nodded my head. It was an organization I had looked into along with the CIA when considering career options; however, the limited information on it and invitation-only-job made it an impossible choice. What could they possibly want? "After the brutal attack on New York, thousands were left dead, and there are billions of dollars worth of damage. That is all anybody can seem to notice about that attack. Not S.H.I.E.L.D., we looked for what happened during, we looked for the people who took action. That led us to you."

          "Your actions in New York were quite admirable. Has anyone told you?" My head lightly moved from left to right. He smiled in response, the smile so tight it almost looked like a grimace. "You ushered 56 humans to safety in the beginning of the attacks and 18 more throughout. You managed to kill 43 Chitauri, the aliens that were attacking, almost as many as Hawkeye took out." My heart leapt at that prospect. "To top it off, you managed to save not just one, but two of my men." Two? "Captain America and Hawkeye." I could hear my heart monitor speeding up. "Most of all, I was impressed by the skill and ability you commanded in the middle of battle. Those are talents that S.H.I.E.L.D. could use." He stared intently never breaking eye contact.

          "Are-" my voice was rusty from disuse. "Are you asking me to join S.H.I.E.L.D.?!" I was incredulous, the elite agency that employed superheroes was asking me to join them. "I thought you had to have super powers or something to join, an elite superheroes-only-club of sorts." A short chuckle escaped his tight lips.

          "S.H.I.E.L.D. collects beings of exceptional talents. Superheroes just happen to fall under that category. And I am pleased to tell you that you might just be one of those with exceptional talent." I tried to keep my face impassive, not letting him see how much this meant, but my heart monitor ruined any chances of keeping my feelings hidden. My heart was moving at a very fast rate, and Fury had most certainly taken note. "In order to become an agent, you will go through the academy. Can you handle that?"

          Could I? My whole life had practically been flipped upside down with Jamie...well, with what happened. He was an integral part of me, would moving on less than a week later really honor him? Would chasing my career be a fair thing to do when he...died because of me?

          "You have one minute to answer me and then I'm leaving. If you let this chance slip away now, you'll never get it again, that I can promise you." I was being given the chance to work with one of the best organizations in the world, the chance to one day work with superheroes. Jamie wouldn't want me to miss out on that because of him. In fact, I would take this job for him. This was always our bigger dream, something we could only hope to aspire to and now was the chance. The Golden Pair would not die in vain, I would carry us to something bigger.

          I looked Fury dead in the eye. "I can handle that."

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