Chapter 7: An Unexpected Stranger

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          "Report to your assigned bunks, candidates. Wait there for further instruction." With those final words, Fury finished his brusque welcome to the candidates. In total, there were 26 candidates. I observed each of them as we were ushered through the seemingly endless hallways in the building to reach our sleeping quarters. The majority were bulky men with veins bulging from their exposed skin. There were seven women, two of whom seemed just as bulky as the men. To be honest, I wasn't quite sure if those two were actually women. 

          I felt completely out of my realm and at a severe disadvantage. My average height of 5'5 left me being the shortest candidate and the one lacking the least in muscles. I was at a complete physical disadvantage even though I had the well trained body of an athlete and police officer! Waves of despair and doubt were consuming me when I felt the tingling sensation of being watched.

          I scanned the room and my eyes met with a pair of sharp brown ones. They belonged to a man of slight stature, probably no more than 5'8 and 130 pounds. His face was the complete opposite of the men surrounding him with an almost delicate structure. His jaw was thinly triangular and tapered into a sharp point. I felt relief pour through me, I wasn't the only one here at a disadvantage. As I thought that, his eyebrows scrunched together under his onyx colored hair. He continued to stare at me with a befuddled look on his face. Had I offended him in some way? Why did he keep staring at me? I certainly wasn't the prettiest nor fittest female in the room. I was going to walk over to him when a tap on my shoulder broke me from my path. Turning, I saw a gorgeous woman standing behind me.

          "Hey, you're Terri, right?" I nodded my head. "Terri, we'll be bunkmates from now on." She grabbed my left hand and dragged us to our bunk station. "I'll be taking the bottom bunk so I won't hit my head as often as I would on top." She let out a small laugh. I could understand her concern as she seemed to be just over six feet tall. While it might seem intimidating, it worked for her. She was easily the prettiest girl in the room. Her flawless mocha skin and shimmering black eyes drew the attention of more than a few of the males (and one other female).

          "What's your name, bunk buddy?" I hesitantly asked and earned a smile from her.

          "I'm Hennessey Miller. I'm pretty happy that we're bunk buddies! I was afraid I would get stuck with Mr. Muscles over there." She tilted her chin towards the other side of the room. The setup of the sleeping quarters had all 26 candidates sleeping in the same room on bunks built into the walls. "With his attitude of overcompensation, I'm thinking he's carrying a .22 instead of a .44 magnum if you know what I mean." She nudged me with her shoulder and giggled. Hennessey was bubblier than a glass of champagne. I was more of a glass of milk, and that didn't make for a great pairing with champagne. Before I could start to worry, a commotion broke out.

          Without warning a wall towards the back of the room screeched open and a man stepped through. "Now that's how you make an entrance. Gather around, everyone." The man was lean and his receding brown hair line exposed him to be on the older side. While most of the agents I had encountered had closed-off faces, his was almost warm and welcoming. The shape of his downward drooping eyes made it seem like he was only a few muscles short from smiling. "My name is Agent Coulson, and I'll be teaching you everything you need to know from here on out."

          "Coulson? But you were on active duty during the New York Attack. Why're you teaching?" Mr. Muscles called out.

          "I'm recovering from some injuries that are keeping me from active duty, but rest assured, that doesn't mean I am any less devoted to whipping you into amazing agents. Any more questions?" He asked with a business smile. "Excellent. I hope you all had a good night's rest because training starts now. Follow me, it's time to meet your instructors."

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