Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Cassandra closed the door of her bedroom and slouched against the door. Another night of mystery and intrigue. Emilia lived for this stuff. Cassandra, not so much. The day they learnt of their destinies, it was easy for Emilia to embrace it wholeheartedly. She had no one left in the world who cared for her, no close family relations to speak of, besides for her cousin Neville and his mother. But Emilia despised them, so spent as little time as possible in their company.

Cassandra walked over to her dresser and sat wearily on the chair. She removed the hood covering her head, and then the cloak, letting it fall to the floor. Her gloves were next before she removed the pins from her hair.

Within minutes, the deep brown tresses cascaded down her back in rich, auburn waves. Cassandra looked at herself in the mirror. She looked so much like her mother. Deep brown eyes, dark hair, rosy hue to her cheeks. She was tall and slim, another trait she had inherited from both her parents. Her brother and sister were also blessed with height and fast metabolisms.

Cassandra sighed. She missed her twin Miranda desperately. She had married soon after their parents had died just more than a year ago. Her mother had passed on from influenza, and her father, not able to live without her, had wasted and passed on a few months later. Miranda had married Lord Jack Favisham, Marquis of Newberry, and he doted on her. She didn't see her sister as much as she would have liked, but they wrote often.

Cassandra's brother, the eldest and heir apparent, was James Greenwich, current Marquis of Winterley. Cassandra lived with James and his wife Lady Diana at Winterley Court.

There was knock on the door and Cassandra's maid, Rose entered, but not before she bowed graciously. Cassandra rolled her eyes. No matter how many times she had told Rose to forget the formalities, they had known each other since they were children after all, Rose refused. "Good manners should always be observed, my Lady," was her standard response.

"Oh Miss, I was getting so worried. You and Lady Emilia really shouldn't be out this late. Lord Winterley was practically saddling his horse to go out and look for you!"

Rose hurried over and started readying Cassandra's bath and bedclothes, despite the fact that it was sunrise.

"Rose, I think we have a lead. So it was not all for naught this time."

The maid didn't say anything; instead she started to fuss, as she usually did when she had been distressed. Cassandra didn't like the fussing much, but she endured it. Rose had been her friend since birth. Along with Emilia, they had played together as children. When Rose turned twelve, she became Cassandra's private maid. The arrangement had only made them closer.

"Are James and Diana in?"

"Yes, my Lady. Lord Winterley saw the carriage approach. Lady Winterley managed to persuade him to give you time to get cleaned up before he came in here and started scolding."

Cassandra sighed. She loved her brother dearly, and he loved her. But even after all these years, he still couldn't accept that she was perfectly capable, and perfectly trained to take care of herself. "Thank heavens for Diana."

Rose chuckled. "Lady Winterley knows how to deal with her husband."


An hour later, bathed and dressed - not in her nightclothes, but in her riding habit, Cassandra went in search of her brother.

In the Manor next door, Emilia had tried to get some sleep, but wasn't able to. Her mind was ticking over the clues uncovered that night. Instead, she had bathed and dressed before heading to her library to continue her research. She was sure that there was something they may have missed.

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