↳ prologue.

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jane raised her head from her knees, her eyes landing on a lanky little boy with jet black curly hair. "why are you crying?" the boy asked her, kneeling down in front of her.

"those girls over there took away my teddy bear and they won't give it back." jane sobbed and sniffled, shaking her head and pointing to were some third graders were laughing at.

"that's not fair, it's your teddy bear." the boy said with a frown, standing up from the ground and offering his hand to her. "lets go."


"we are going to get your teddy bear back, come on." he grinned at jane, who just stared at him as she slowly took his hand, and he pulled her up.

the curly haired kid pulled jane by the hand to where the girls were, walking with determination as his curls bounced. "hey, i think you have something that belongs to my friend."

the four girls turned to jane and the kid, their laughter subsiding as they crossed their arms.

a blonde girl, the tallest one out of the bunch, stepped forward and looked down to the boy's eyes. "yeah? and what are you gonna do about it?"

"i'm not gonna kick you, my mom says that's not okay." jane smiled when the boy said that, and giggled a little. "but my friend really wants that bear and i really want to see her happy, so please, give it back."

"or what?"

"i have an older sister, and trust me, you don't want to mess with her. she's scary." the boy pointed with his finger towards a tall brunette girl, who was punching an even taller boy right in the arm.

the blonde girl scoffed and threw the bear at jane, who was barely able to catch it. "you're lucky we have better things to do."

the four girls sashayed away, and jane grinned as she hugged her teddy bear tightly. "eleanor! i was so scared!" she turned back to the kid, who was smirking slyly at her. "thank you."

"wait, you named your teddy bear 'eleanor'? who names a bear like that?"

"it's a cute name! that's how i wish i was named." jane pouted. "i don't really like jane."

the boy seemed to be analyzing her face, as he pressed his fingers to his chin and squinted. "yeah, you dont have the face of a jane."

"i know, i hate it."

"i got an idea, why don't i call you el?"


"yeah, el, short for eleanor." he explained. "and you can call me mike, short for michael."

jane thought about it. el. it suited her, or at least more than she thought jane did. and she liked it, surprisingly.

"do you want to be my friend, mike?" she asked him, her eyes wide with expectation.

"best friends." mike said, beaming, and pushed her by the hip with his own.

"jane!" mike and el both turned to where the voice had come from. "it's time to go!"

"i have to go." el sighed. "see you later, mike."

"see you later, el." mike waved at the girl, who smiled and started to run away from him.

but she stopped midway, turned on her heels, and ran even faster towards mike, and planted a kiss on his cheek. "bye, mike."

mike turned a crimson color and waved even faster at her, even when she turned around and jogged to the buff man standing with an ice cream on hand and squinting his eyes at mike.


so here's another mileven au that i'm writing, and i know i haven't updated 'moonshine' nor my mileven one shots in a long while but you know, i really liked this trope hehe.

love you all, you beautiful people.

- nia.

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