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"i can't believe we actually missed our friendship anniversary." el pouted, opening her bag of chips as mike sat down next to her on their usual spot at the cafeteria. "it's december already and we didn't do anything. it's been a week!"

"well, i was pretty hungover so, yeah." mike chuckled. "by the way, holly told me that you slept over, but i never saw you when i woke up and i don't really remember anything."

"oh, you know, holly has a big imagination." el blushed, as she remembered how they had cuddled as they slept, before she woke up and left his house silently. "but what are we going to do about our friendversary?"

"oh god that's so cringy!" the pair laughed, el throwing a chip at mike's face. "we could go to the park were we met ten years ago."

"aw, that sounds cute." el giggled. "we could get ice cream, and just hang out and stuff."

"what's up lovebirds!" dustin sat down in front of mike and el, and the girl pulled on her earlobe before taking mike's hand on hers and resting them on top of the table. "el, i haven't had the opportunity to say that i'm in awe with your voice. you sing like a freaking angel!"

at first, it seemed as if all color had abandoned el's face, and mike found amusing how it turned a crimson color in a second. "have- have you ever heard me sing?"

"yeah, at the coffee place!" dustin grinned. "we were all there- lucas, will, and mike!"

el glanced at mike, who gave dustin a death glare, which dustin completely ignores. "you should definitely sing more. the whole crowd loved it."

"well, i don't know." she shrugged before taking another chip to her mouth. "my dad knows this guy who knows some important people in the music industry, and he says he can pull a few strings to get me a 'manager' i think. oh, and thanks"

"you love singing, huh?" mike asked, and el nodded lightly. "why hadn't i ever heard you sing before? well, at least not like that."

"i'm shy, i guess."

"that's okay, i get it." mike pushed her shoulder with his lightly, smiling. "though i'd love to hear you sing more sometime."

"you will." el beamed. "i promise."

"god, you two are going to give me diabetes one day." dustin gagged, making his two friends laugh as el threw a chip at his face and his other friends arrived to the table.

"max, it is not a date."

"yes it is!" max grinned, rolling to her side on el's bed as her friend sighed exasperated. "you're going out with your boyfriend, to the park, on a saturday, to eat ice cream!"

el looked up at her ceiling, pouting. "okay so it is a date. doesn't mean i have to dress up as if i was going to a party or a fancy dinner."

"please, let me dress you!" el sat on her bed, and max put her arms around el's neck. "you'll look absolutely gorgeous."

"since when do you care about how i look?"

"since you stopped caring." max snorted. "listen, i know i'm not the most girly girl in the world, but that doesn't mean i don't care about romance and love and outfits and all that cheesy shit."

el giggled, jumping out of her bed before walking to her closet and opening it. "make me look cute."

"oh, ellie, you'll look more than cute." max smirked, putting her hands on the brunette's shoulders. "you just have to trust in me."

"i can't believe y'all actually made me dress like my fucking dad."

"you look better than your dad, if that helps."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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