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"so, mike, el, tell me, how did this happen?" karen signaled with her hand between them as holly snickered next to her and nancy smirked, making both mike and el roll their eyes.

"well, we were watching a movie, and it just happened!" el grinned and raised her entwined hand with mike's from the table to her head's level.

"so you guys kissed?" nancy raised an eyebrow, and had to fight the urge to burst out laughing at mike's red face. "oh, come on! by your age i had already lost my-"

"please don't finish that sentence." mike pleaded.

"and how was it? passionate? was there tongue? did you guys french kiss?" nancy continued interrogating, despite mike and el's obvious uncomfortableness.

"nancy." karen scolded, and holly giggled next to her. "you better stop."

"i was just asking." the brunette shrugged. "i mean, they were totally making out down in the basement so-"

"nancy!" mike slammed his fist on the table, startling everyone around the table.

nancy stoke her tongue out at mike before taking a piece of food to her mouth as mike rolled his eyes.

"well, in case that ever happens, promise me that you'll use protection." karen crossed her arms across her chest as she laid back on the chair. "or has it happened already? did you use protection?"

"oh my god, mom, no!" mike buried his face on his hands as el just looked at the woman with her face completely red, not able to say a word.

"you didn't use protection? michael wheeler i swear to god if-" karen's eyes widened comically, her face losing its color almost entirely.

"no, mom! we're sixteen! we are not doing anything anytime soon! actually, never!" mike's head started hurting, his usual pale face now as red as a tomato.

"but what if you get married and want to have kids? then you'd have to-"

"the food was delicious karen!" el blurted out, almost yelling, cutting karen off as she absent mindedly looked at the table.

karen blinked once, then once again, and a warm smile made its way to her face. "well thank you, sweetheart."

mike and el looked at each other big eyes, the colors of their faces matching each other's as she let out a deep breath and he blinked several times.

"well, el and i should go downstairs to study, she's going to have her maths exam tomorrow and it's kind of a big deal." mike grabbed his plate and glass, as well as el's, and walked to the sink to leave them there. "can you please wash the dishes? i'll do it tomorrow, i promise."

karen sighed, rubbing her forehead before turning to look at el and then, back at mike. "she better come with us to the park on sunday."

"but what if she has plans?" mike asked, rolling his eyes at the way nancy was making faces at him as if she was five years old.

"i will go, thank you for the invitation, karen." el grinned, and much to mike's annoyance, she stood up to hug his mother before going with him to the basement.

"you haven't told me how did your dinner go yesterday."

the two best friends were sitting together in a table at one of their favorites coffee's on town, it was night already and they were having dinner there before going to el's house for their sleepover.

el swallowed her french fries, cleaning her hands with a napkin, as well as her mouth. "it was okay, i guess. the thing is that, now that karen knows that i'm dating mike, she won't let us be alone in a room. not even to study."

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