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"how do we do that?" mike coughed, blinking rapidly to stop his tears from falling.

"well, we just have to pretend that we are dating for a while, so that your mother doesn't find out that you lied and stacey leaves me alone for once." el tilted her head and bit her lip, since she wasn't sure that it was a good idea.

"but are you sure you want to do that? because, you know, if you don't feel comfortable about it or-"

"mike." el put her hand on top of mike's and squeezed it. "it's okay, we can make some rules."

"like what?"

"like... we have to hold hands during school?" el looked at mike, and he snorted.

"can i make a rule?"


"we have to last for more than two weeks."

el giggled. "fine. and... should we, like, you know..." she puckered up her lips and mike frowned, but opened his mouth widely when he realized what she wanted to say.

"oh! i mean, only if you think it's necessary." mike shrugged, and blushed profusely at the thought of kissing el.

"if it's necessary, then we should, i guess." el blushed as well, but nevertheless continued staring at mike.

"but should we have like, i don't know, a signal or something that would mean that we are about to do something for the sake of the whole fake relationship thing?" mike suggested, making el nod slowly as she thought about it.

"we should pull on our earlobe." el and mike looked at each other and nodded.

"what else? what do couples do to let people know that they are together?" mike questioned.

"well, we could have little details with each other every day? like, something you'd do for your actual girlfriend."

"okay... but, what happens if someone finds out that we were never a real thing?"

"that won't happen, and if it did it would be your fault." el winked, and mike gasped, which soon melted into a smile.

"yeah right, everyone knows you're the worst when it comes to lying."

"well, everyone knows that i would be better than you at fake dating."

"we can make it a bet." mike suggested, and el raised her eyebrows intrigued. "the one who is the best at fake dating and that actually makes people believe that we are dating wins, and the other will have a pretty bad punishment in return."

"deal! it's on, wheeler! i'm gonna be the best fake girlfriend you'll ever have."

"and the only one." mike snorted, and extended his hand toward el. "just, one more rule. you're not allowed to fall in love with me."

"trust me." el gave him her hand, and they shook them. "that won't be a problem."

"good morning, janie."

"morning, hopps." el walked behind her father and hugged him from behind, and then proceeded to grab a waffle that was on the table.

"so, can you guess what someone told me yesterday?" jim, el's father, asked before taking a sip of his coffee. she shook her head and swallowed the big bite she had taken out of her waffle.

"that you have the best daughter in the whole world?" el smirked and jim chuckled.

"funny, but no." jim's chuckles subsided, just as el's. "actually, it's far more interesting. why didn't you tell me you're dating wheeler?"

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