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mike's life had had a weird, noticeable shift since that night.

he had left the coffee as soon as he had woken up from his daydream, excusing himself saying that his head hurt, but that he'd see his friends the day after.

that night, mike couldn't sleep at all.

because after all these years, what he felt for el finally had a name- love.

he realized that he had been falling for her, for a long time, but he had been able to ignore that feeling for the sake of their friendship. the feeling wasn't new, no, but at least now he knew what it meant and was.

well, he didn't quite love her, probably not yet, but he knew that he would, he knew that his feelings could grow to the point that he would love her even if she didn't feel the same, and he wouldn't be able to stop.

and the strangest part of it all is that it doesn't feel wrong, at all. he thought that it should, since she's been his best friend since childhood and she most probably doesn't feel the same way about him.

his biggest problem right now is how the hell is he going to pretend to be her boyfriend. she's smart, the smartest girl he's ever met, he doubts she will be oblivious to his feelings.

he can see it already, his cheeks flushing whenever she puts her head on his shoulder, that goofy smile he will always have because the girl he likes is next to him and holding his hand and they fit so perfectly, and she's smiling and he's smiling and everyone thinks they like each other and are together, but none of that is true and it hurts.

mike groaned, covering his head with a pillow at his frustration as he lied on bed.

his phone rang, and he reached out to grab it from the counter that was next to his bed. "hello?"

"mike, get your ass here now, stacey is throwing a party and she invited el and lucas, and by default we are invited as well."

"dustin, it's ten in the morning."

"no, it's night already, don't you have windows or something?"

"what?" mike whimpered, sitting up straight and running to his room's window, only to see that it was already dark outside. "what the fuck?"

"shut up, get ready and come to my house." dustin said. "this will be one of the best nights of our lives."

"i don't know max, isn't it a little too much?"

"definitely not. el, you look gorgeous! wazowski is going to lose it over your beauty." max smirked, and el cackled loudly.

"why do you have to call mike 'wazowski'? it's so weird! and he doesn't seem to like it."

"you still think it's funny."

"touché." el shrugged giggling, looking at herself in her mirror, touching the light pink skirt that was a little too short for her taste, and pulling on the ends of the denim jacket max had lent her.

"lets go, it's late already and we are supposed to meet the boys there in fifteen minutes."

"i don't even know why i'm going. stacey just invited me to show daniel off to try to piss me off." el huffed, grabbing her purse from her bed.

"so? you have wazowski, and he's better for you than that daniel, who kind of reminds me of the white angry bird that looked like an egg with enormous eyebrows." max elbowed el, and the pair of best friends exited the room laughing as hard as they possibly could.

"where are them?" dustin looked at his watch, tapping his foot on the concrete anxiously. "can someone please go check if they are inside already."

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