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"please stop."

mike laughed, hitting the wheel with his hands as el rolled her eyes. "you know you love my singing."

"yeah, when you actually sing! you're just screaming the lyrics, you idiot!" el leaned to slap mike's shoulder, managing to make him laugh even harder.

"you're lucky we are here already, or you would have to hear me sing 'i will always love you' again."

"oh thank god, my ears are safe now." el teased, and crackled as she opened the door's car.

"so, what movie are we watching today?" mike hurried and was now walking next to el towards his house.

"the greatest showman!" el said excitedly, and mike groaned. "hey, i had to watch star wars last saturday because of you, so suck it."

"you know you love star wars, you even blushed when i told you that you kind of remind me of princess leia!"

"yeah, well, that's because she's beautiful, mike." el rolled her eyes and handed mike the keys she had been holding, since she knew that mike would have forgotten them in the car.

"and you aren't?" mike smirked, looking at el slyly as she, again, rolled her big honey eyes.

"shut up."

"mom! we are here!" mike yelled, and instantly heard the sound of heels hitting the wooden floor, meaning that his mother was walking to them.

karen looked at mike and el and smiled fondly. "hey, honey."

"mom, don't call me honey." mike said, but he was beaming.

"i was talking to el." karen shot back, making the two teenagers laugh.

"see? she loves you more than she loves me, and i'm her biological son!" mike exclaimed, making both el and karen giggle.

"i left some snacks in the basement, call me if you need anything." karen said, and el and mike nodded before walking down the stairs. "and no funny business!"

"gross, mom. gross." mike yelled back, and chuckled.

"gee, thanks, you really know how to make a girl feel pretty." el said, making mike roll his eyes.

"thanks, that's why i've had that enormous quantity of girlfriends." mike winked, and el let herself fall on the couch as she laughed.

"right, how many were them? oh, yeah, one! and it lasted for two weeks, didn't it?" el said as mike turned on the tv. "aw, fuck! i spilled chocolate on my shirt!"

mike chuckled and stood up from the floor. "put the movie on, i'll go get you a sweater."

"aw, aren't you the sweetest best friend ever?" el puckered up her lips, and mike laughed as he ran up the stairs.

mike walked inside the living room, looking around him and finally spotting his favorite grey sweater.

"mike?" when he heard his name being called, mike turned around to face his mother. "we need to talk."

"right now? because el is downstairs, and today is saturday so we're supposed to be watching a movie." mike wondered, although he was slightly worried.

"okay, i'm just gonna ask, and i want you to be completely honest with me, okay? and... i love you." karen sighed, and mike frowned. "are you gay?"

mike shook his head violently, his face showing his pure confusion. "what?"

"if you are it's totally okay, i love you no matter what! your father... he will eventually accept you, i know he will, and if you're dating your friend will-"

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