Ch. 9 Fear the daughter

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"I need your help." Four words I never thought I would have Emily Thomas saying to me. Yet here we were. The blonde closed the door behind her eyes watching every part of the room cautiously until they settled on me.
"You know my husband." She stayed words shaky and quite.
"If you're looking for a divorce I'm not that kind of lawyer," I watched her carefully. She seemed afraid.
"I'm looking for answers. Answers he will never tell me." She pleaded. "Please Rhiannon I know you didn't show up at the wrong house the other day."
"The more you know the worse it will be for you. The only way I can help you is by keeping you in the dark." She slammed her fist on the table short breaths escaping her before she gathered herself again.
"Wouldn't you want to know?" It felt like a loaded question. Of course I would want to know, but I had lived that life it chews you up and then spits you out.
- -
"Have I told you how much I love you?" Eli leaned his head onto my shoulder. I rolled my eyes as he batter his eye lashes waiting for a response.
"Lately more then usual. What are you hiding?" I got straight to the point. Eli avoided eye contact his shoulders tensing. It looked as if the leather weighed a ton on his slightly above average frame.
"Nothing," His voice cracked.
"I do not put up with lies." I barked walking away from him knowing my temper would get the best of me.
"Rhi wait."
"Why are you so obsessed with this life? Does it not scare you knowing that you might not come home on one of these runs? Because it scares me! We have our whole lives ahead of us!" My voice got louder with every word. "That stupid piece of leather is a death sentence and you know it!" Eli's face hardened.
"The more you know the worse it'll be for you. I can't have you get hurt," he kept his voice soft.
"Who will I be if you don't come home?" The tears began to roll down my cheeks.
"The same girl." He was wrong but I wasn't about to argue that.
"I want to know what they gave you doing. I won't live in the dark anymore. It's not your choice it's mine."
- -
"Your husband is a killer." The words were quite. "I've seen it first hand. He's not a good man, but I am not here to judge you for that. His actions are not yours."
"I know." She looked defeated.
"You're either all in or all out. There is no in between in this life. No grey area." That was something I learned the hard way.
"If I decide to be all in..." she paused looking down at her hands. I could only imagine how heavy her wedding ring felt right now. I slid her my card scribbling my cell phone number on the back.
"I thought you didn't want to help me."
"I changed my mind. Now leave before I change it again."

Every crow dies- EZ Reyes (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now