Ch 10. Let this be a warning

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"So you're working with the Cartel?" I hiss staring at my brother. He pushes past me without saying a word.
"You got him killed because you are working with the cartel?!" I raise my voice making him stop.
"You're just a kid Rhi. You don't understand that tough choices need to be made sometimes." He yells back.
"Maybe I'm not willing to use people as collateral damage Jax. Clearly you are though."
- - -
"What does my wife want with you?" Miguel hissed into the phone.
"Mr.Galindo we both know I can't discuss clients with you,"I purr knowing my comment will only make him angrier.
"I will make you tell me," he warned.
"You can't make me do anything." I challenged him. My voice stayed steady but my heart rate quickened as I heard his low chuckle on the other line. I was playing with fire, and I had to prepare myself for the burn.
"We will see about that." The line went dead. I needed to prepare myself for anything.

I had resigned at the garage due to getting more clients at the practice. It was bitter sweet. I missed the smell of engine fluid and grease covered hands. It reminded me of home. The few good memories I had left of it anyways. So here I was playing on my truck trying to pass the time until EZ got home.
"Little girls shouldn't play with cars," a brisk voice spoke pulling me by the ankle out into the open. I looked up to see Nestor. Galindos right hand scum bag. A man most people had learned to fear. He left trails of body bags wherever he went or at least that's the story Angel had told me.
"Get off my property," I stood up trying to make myself appear taller. I failed miserably compared to the behemoth. A smirk danced on his lips.
"Let's not cause a scene I'm just here to talk." He cooed grasping my wrist and pulling me inside. I could feel his fingernails digging into my skin as I struggled to pull away from him.
"If you're just here to talk you can let go of me," I yanked as hard as I could falling to my ass. Nestor's laugh made the walls shake as he picked me up by the neck and pinned me to the wall.
"I see why he has such an obsession with you. You're a beautiful girl, but very very stupid," His voice lingered in the air as he pulled a knife out of his pocket bringing it closer to my face. I felt the blade slide across my face.
"Smarten up. Or I'll kill your precious prospect boyfriend in his sleep and leave the body on your doorstep." He kissed my cheek where he had gashed it smiling down at me as I stood there unmoved. Now was not the time to fight back. At least not with Nestor.

I stood in the spot he left me for a long time. I felt numb. I didn't even notice Ezekiel walk in but he was now standing front of me a worried look in his eyes.
"What happened?!"
"Oh I fell it's noting really," I covered it up with my hand not looking directly at him as I lied. I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him. He deepened it picking me up and taking me to the kitchen where he propped me on the kitchen table. I tugged at the hem of his shirt pulling away to see his hungry stare. I wanted him. I needed him.
"Fuck," he whispered in my ear as I kissed his neck. Little moans escaping both of us.
"I'm taking you to bed."

An hour later and our breathing was heavy as we laid next to each other. Sweat heading off his head as he stared at me with the goofiest grin.
"Distracting me with sex isn't always going to work," he teased running a finger softly up and down my stomach.
"Whose says that's what I was doing?" Of course he knew that's what I was doing. He was the only person who could see through me.
"I love you Rhi. I'm here you can tell me what's going on." He pulled me against him.
"Just another Galindo threat. I have it figured out though." I inhaled sharply. "Emily came to my office yesterday asking for my help." I felt Ez tense up behind me at the mention of her name.
"No." His voice was flat. "He can't send his goons to cut you up. And you aren't getting involved with Emily." He raised his voice standing up and grabbing his pants. Of course he wouldn't want me involved with her. I through on my shirt and stormed off to the kitchen.
"Rhiannon!" EZ raised his voice slightly.
"What?! Precious little Emily..." I snapped. "You don't want her involved in this life, but it's fine for me to be? She's married to the head of the cartel she should know what he's doing!" Hot tears streamed down my face as He pulled me into a hug.
"For fuck sakes do you really think I want you to be apart of this life Mi amor?" He kissed my head. "Because I don't. And as for Emily how do you know this isn't part of Galindos plan?" I pulled away to look at him. I hadn't thought of that.
"I didn't think about that," I admitted.
"I love you. But please we can't keep fighting over Emily."
"I'm sorry. I love you to. Just sometimes old wounds still can hurt." I felt embarrassed at me snapping over her. Of course he didn't want me apart of this either.
"I really want you to be careful. Galindos a smart man, and I'm betting Emily isn't the same girl we knew 8 years ago. She can't be entirely oblivious to what she's gotten herself into."
"No she can't." I agreed. Sometimes the innocent ones are the ones you need to watch out for why hadn't I thought of that.

Every crow dies- EZ Reyes (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now