Chapter two

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'The golden boy'

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'The golden boy'

8 years ago

Rhiannon had been coming to the library more often than usual. It was a good excuse to put her phone on silent and ignore the constant phone calls from back home. It wasn't that she didn't want to hear from her family, but lately every phone call she received was laced with bad news. Cursing to herself she flipped the small screen open. 20 missed calls. She was never going to escape them. Not even for an hour.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Rhiannon looked up from her work, her hazel eyes narrowing as she examined the boy in front of her. She had seen him around campus a number of times.

"Knock yourself out," she spoke through pursed lips trying not to let herself be to distracted from
the  boy in front of her. He had a sweetness to him something Rhiannon wasn't used to.

"Okay Golden boy if you are going to sit with me you have to stop staring." Rhiannon sighs.

"I have a name," Eziekel quips.

"I didn't ask for it." Rhiannon  brings her attention back to her books, a smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth.
"So law huh? How's that going?"

"I'm not looking to make friends here okay. I'm not the girl you sit down with and all of a sudden you get coffee and talk about your lives," she slams her book shut.

"I'm not a huge fan of coffee. I prefer whisky," Ezekiel remarked.

"You are missing my point golden boy." Rhiannon rolls her eyes.

"One drink. You don't even have to tell me your name."

"Fine one. This doesn't mean we are going to be friends. You don't need that in your life." Rhiannon stands up and motions for him to follow."Come on there's a good place down the street." She's already halfway down the street before Eziekel can process what's happening.

"It's Ezekiel, not golden boy." Eziekel tells her, making Rhiannon pull them both to a halt.

"Alright Ezekiel. Here's how this is going to go seeing as you can't take a hint. We are going to go for one drink. One. You aren't going to tell me your last name and I sure as hell am not going to tell you mine. If you can't do that then you better just turn around right now."

"I can do that."

Every crow dies- EZ Reyes (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now