Ch 16. Sometimes you admit defeat

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"Jaxon Teller was a man who often acted before he thought. Then again that's how most Tellars are. We are family oriented. It doesn't matter the consequence if it means our family is safe." I made eye contact with Tig letting him know I couldn't say anything more. It was if someone had cut out my tongue. All I could do now was cry. My nightmare was no longer just a nightmare. Jax was dead. I was alone.
"I saw Jax Tig, what do you think that means?" I struggled to prop myself up into a sitting position. My eyes wandered around the beige room. I had been here to many times before but never in this position. I normally sat where Tig was, that same blank expression on my face. Don't show them you're scared. Just be happy they survived.
"I'm not sure darling," Tigs voice was hoarse. "I'm just glad you're awake." He kissed my hand before quickly wiping away more tears.
"Your husbands a good man. We had a good little talk about moving you back in with Venus and I. Just until we find out how to get you out of that Galindo mess."
"You don't think I can handle this on my own?" I snapped instantly regretting my tone of voice. Tig stood up messaging his temples for a moment before he looked back at me. All emotion had left his face.
"What I think is that I don't want to bury another Teller in the ground. I don't want to console another spouse who is made a widow to soon. You aren't invincible for fuck sakes Rhi! I don't care if you think you can handle it. You aren't going to. You'll end up dead. Your mother would crawl out of her fucking grave and kill me if I let you die. You're gonna have babies and a happy life and I'll be uncle Tig and we aren't going to live in fear like we used to." He barked. I blinked back tears as I stared at the man who had played father to me most of my life. He was defeated and in my grief I had forgotten he lost the same people I did. How selfish was I.
"I'm sorry Tiggy." I mumbled reaching out to him.
"You're to much like Gemma sometimes." He huffed. "I love you kid. I would do anything for you. Now please do this for me."
I was discharged a week later. By the time I got to my house there was a for sale sign on the lawn and my things were scattered between Tigs house in charming or mine and EZ's new home here.
"Do you get to stay?" I questioned turning down the radio. I could hear the roar of the motorcycles following us. It was an odd comfort to such an uncertain life.
"No, but I'll come by in a few days." EZ grabbed my hand drawing circles with his thumb. "We will be together soon. I promise."
I forced a smile on my face and focused on the scenery as we drove. I would give everything for a different life. For a life without the MC, but the MC was a virus with no cure. A drug that caused the worst addiction. I was destined to burn with it, and that should have terrified me but the older I got the more I came to accept it. Every crow dies.
"I love you." I said it as if it was the last time. Words slightly shaky but full of passion.
"I love you to Rhi. I'll love you forever." Forever didn't feel long enough but maybe things were about to change for us. Maybe I could get out of this. Tellers died young but I was no longer an Teller. I was a Reyes.
"Forever And always." I smirked.

Every crow dies- EZ Reyes (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now