Chapter One

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'Anarchy and the daughter'

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'Anarchy and the daughter'

There was never a welcome mat at the door, and the smell of fresh baking rarely filled the halls. Instead it was heights etched into the side of a shop wall and photos of a starry eyed girl covered in engine grease and she smiled triumphantly after her first bike build. Rhiannon wouldn't have called her upbringing normal. She was rarely allowed out without a leather clad escort and any boy who tried to date her was shortly scared away by the biker men she called family. However if Rhiannon was being honest with herself she would have worn the leather kute herself. Unfortunately some rules just weren't allowed to be broken, leaving her stuck on the sidelines of a life she had no choice, but to be a part of.


Leaving Charming wasn't always the plan, but life changed quickly for the youngest Teller. She had everything one minute, and the next...well the next she lost it all. So yes leaving charming wasn't always the plan, but it had to be now if she ever wanted to practice law again, because who is going to trust a woman who ran around bikers. Who twisted the rules to protect her family. No one in California...

"Thanks for meeting with me Rhiannon. I know it's been awhile. Club know how it goes," Rhiannon looked up to meet his familiar face. The warm smile on his rugged features did nothing to calm the young woman's nerves.

"Good to see you Angel. You're looking well," She stood up to greet her friend. An awkward internal battle brewing as she tried to determine whether to hug the man in front of her or simply shake his hand. Thankfully Angel chose for her. The smell of engine grease, and cigarettes filled her nose. Maybe this was just two friends meeting to catch up instead of business like Rhiannon originally thought. The conversations flow easily, it's talk of the weather, Angels many dates, Rhiannon's practice, and then suddenly the silence overtake them leaving Rhi feeling uneasy. Why were they here right now? What favor did Angel need?

"I'm here to ask a small favor Rhi," There it was. Such soft words but a slap in the face. Since graduation her life had always been business. A sick entanglement between the lawful world and the unlawful one. Yet she couldn't escape. Even when she tried to make a new life the old one consumed her. Like a painful addiction that no rehab could save her from. Mindlessly Rhi played with the large metal band on her finger.  It belonged to her father once, and when it was time her brother wore it, now it was a constant reminder of the path she was trying to stray from...the path that only brought you to one destination. Death.

"Angel. I got him out of jail. I can't do any more favors. I'm sorry." Rhiannon's words are hushed as she quickly throws change on the table and heads out the door. This shouldn't feel like betrayal. She knew exactly how these things worked, but for someone who grew up being taught to not trust anyone she trusted far too much. Believing in people when they said they weren't only getting close to her, because of the connections she had. Those connections were all gone now. Buried in graves no one ever went to. Leaving Rhiannon with the label of sinner and villain.

"Rhiannon! Stop!" She didn't want to yet her feet glued themselves to the hot pavement. Angel's hands cupped her face as he shook his head softly.

"I would have worded things differently if I knew you were going to react like that silly girl. I don't want anything more than you to come to my house for dinner." His laugh makes her shoulders loosen making Rhiannon feel like a complete idiot.

"Does he know?" her words are barely above a whisper.

"No. Not that it was you." He reassures her.

"Fine, but promise me something Angle. He never finds out."


When six thirty rolled around Rhiannon found herself sitting outside of the Reyes home. She had only been here a few times before something about it always made her feel at home. Maybe it was the sound of laughter drifting from the windows. Or maybe it was because there weren't secrets hidden under the wallpaper.

"Rhiannon?" The woman's heart stopped when she met his gaze. She hadn't heard this voice in years. He had vanished from her life ripping out her heart, and rebuilding the brick wall he had not so long before torn down.


"Rhi you made it!" Angel ran over. "I see you've met my brother."

"We've met before..." EZ spoke, not taking his eyes off of her. "A long time ago."

Every crow dies- EZ Reyes (under edit)Where stories live. Discover now