Chapter 2: It's Not A Secret I Tried to Hide

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It was the day of the first show. Lance was terrified but Veronica was excited. Lance was scared because of what people would think of them being on stage. Would they love them...or would they hate and keep discriminating them from society? "Guys, get ready! It's almost showtime!" Shiro whispered to Lance and Veronica. "We have a crowd! Now I think that you guys should enter with an amazing trapeze act. Do you guys think you can do it?" "Think it? I know we can do it!" Veronica whispered excitedly holding Lance by the shoulder and shaking him violently. "Good! I have these" Shiro smiled, holding out costumes. "Put them on." Lance and Veronica disappeared at the back to put the costumes on.

They were both leotards with some other little things as well. Veronica's was more like a suit. The leotard was a light blue singlet with leggings and a light blue shirt that looks like a tuxedo with no sleeves and many silver sparkles around the neck area. Veronica's hair was put into a small braid with silver hair extensions.

Lance's leotard was shorter on the legs. At the leg holes there were frills. The leotard was also light blue with silver sparkles. He had see through gloves that go all the way up to the upper arm. On one end there were little blue frills and on the other was a golden band that tied around hid arms. He also had sparkly see though leggings. On their feet were golden boot like sandals that went up to the middle of the legs.

"You both look dazzling!" Shiro smiled. "Thank you!" Veronica said, curtsying. Lance had his arms crossed, looking quite timid. "Don't worry, Lance" Shiro reassured. "They don't know it yet, but they are going to love you." Lance smiled at Shiro, his timidness fading a little. "It's showtime!" Shiro whispered, putting on his top hat and running off to greet the crowd. "Let's go, Lance" Veronica said, walking off to get to the trapeze. She stopped, realising Lance wasn't following her. "Lance?" "I still don't know about this, Veronica..." He sighed. "C,mon! It's time to go!" Veronica whispered loudly. She then grabbed her brother's wrist and dragged him to the trapeze.

* * *

"Now introducing the Razzle Dazzle Siblings; Veronica and Lance McClain!" Shiro announced. Veronica and Lance then entered the stage, doing amazing and never before seen tricks on the trapeze. They put the crowd in awe with many 'Oohs' and 'Ahs'. Some people screamed when they thought that Lance was falling, but people caught him before he touched the ground. Veronica then came down to join her brother. The crowd cheered. Shiro was right! Lance thought, They love us! RAZZLE DAZZLE! Veronica smiled at her brother. Seeing him happy made her happy.

* * *

The first show was a success. Many people went out with smiling faces. "Thank you for coming! Be sure to tell all your friends!" Shiro said, proud of his work. Lance and Veronica were now in their regular clothing, celebrating their amazing show. "You guys looked great out there!" A woman with a white beard applauded. "Yeah! The Razzle Dazzle Siblings are a hit!" A big man covered in tattoos smiled. "Wanna celebrate with us?" A smaller person with short light brown hair with round glasses asked. "What do you say, Lance?" Veronica asked with a smile on her face. "Let's go celebrate as Coran's!" Lance yelled excitedly. Everyone cheered. "What are your names by the way?" Lance asked while they walked out the back door. "I'm Allura" The woman with a beard said. "I'm Hunk" the big man with the tattoos smiled sweetly. "And I'm Pidge" the smaller person smiled.

As they walked out the door, part of their crew were being attacked by protesters against the show. Lance's blood boiled. He knew people wouldn't like it and would discriminate, but he didn't think they would got as far as to hit and punch them. "HEY!" lance called out without thinking. "Leave them alone!" Allura called out after him. "Oh yeah?" one of the protesters stepped forward towards the group. "And what are you going to do about it, freaks?" "Call us freaks again!" Lance threatened. "I dare you..." The protester chuckled to himself. "Freaks"

That was when Lance punched the protester in the nose. "LANCE!" Veronica yelled. "You shouldn't have done that..." The protester hissed. He then began to attack Lance, pinning him to the ground. "Get of of him!" Pidge screamed. The mob moved in on the rest of the group as they tried to get the protester off of Lance. The fight continued for a little while.

"Hey!" Shiro yelled. The fighting continued. "HEY! That's enough!" The fighting then stopped. "Inside! All of you! Right now!" They then all ran inside. As they did, the same protester that attacked Lance spat at the group. "That's right, you freaks!" He yelled. "Your master's calling!" "That's quite enough, sir!" Shiro ordered. The protester laughed and walked off, the rest of the mob following. "Nothing more to look at."

Inside the building, Veronica made sure that Lance was okay. "That was very stupid of you, Lance!" she scolded. Lance looked away angrily. "Sorry..." he sighed.

"We can't do this to people, it will scare away the crowds."

"I know...but...he..."

"Lance, I don't want to hear it!"

"Is everyone okay?" Shiro asked concerned. "We're fine!" Veronica replied. "We won't let it happen again, right, Lance?" "Yeah...sorry Shiro..." Lance apologised. "It's okay, Lance. I just don't want anyone in the show hurt. I got to leave. Adam will be waiting for me to get home. See you guys tomorrow." Shiro sighed as he left the museum. He then stopped. "I was thinking of renaming the 'museum' to 'circus' instead. Does that sound good?" "Sounds fine to me" Hunk shrugged. The others liked the name as well. Lance stayed quiet. He didn't feel good after the fight. Will society ever accept them? Will someone ever accept him?

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