Chapter 4: So Don't Keep Saying Our Hands Are Tied

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Lance went back to his place after meeting with Takashi Shirogane and his new apprentice, Keith Kogane. Keith...shame his name isn't as attractive as his hair, his eyes, his liiiiii...why am I thinking about this guy?

Lance tried to block Keith's face from his mind. He had no time to fawn over him. It would only lead to more chaos in the world. Lance had already had enough of people judging him for being a different colour. He didn't need anyone else going on about his sexuality as well.

That was the last thing he wanted. No one else knew about this except for his close family. Lance was bi. He kept that hidden from anyone else in the world. It was easy to hide because he loved girls and could make moves on them without feeling judged. But there were instances where a boy caught his attention at least once or twice. Though, Lance tried to ignore it. Sometimes it would work...sometimes it didn't. And Keith was one of the ones he couldn't ignore. Especially because he wouldn't just pass him on the streets, he would also be working with him 24/7.

While Lance was trying to erase how attractive Keith was from his mind, he heard the door open. In stepped Veronica. "Lance?" She called. "You here?" "In here, Veronica!" Lance called from the bedroom. Veronica walked into the bedroom where Lance was lying on his bed. "We're going to London! Can you believe it?" Veronica practically squealed. "Quiet down, Veronica" Lance grumbled. "These walls are like paper thin. The neighbours don't need to hear about us meeting the King..."

"But they do so that they can feel jealous!"

Veronica then opened a window. "HEY, NEW YORK! WHILE YOU'LL BE WORKING YOUR BUTTS OFF HERE! WE'LL BE SIPPING TEA AND PARTYING WITH THE KING!" She screamed. "No one cares!" Lance heard someone yell.


"¡Ya basta, Veronica!" Lance growled as he went up to close the window. "I apologize for my sister, sir!" He then closed the window. "En serio mujer! ¡Ya tengo suficiente en mi plato en este momento! ¡No necesito que me molestes con tus constantes alardes! ¡Dios!" Lance muttered under his breath as he went back to lie on his bed. Veronica looked at the window then back at Lance with the biggest smirk on her face.

"This attitude wouldn't have anything to do with the good looking man that was with Shiro now would it?" she asked. Lance rolled over to look away from Veronica. Veronica sighed. "Silence means a 'yes' I'm assuming?"

"Veronica, déjame en paz!"

"Lance, I know you're upset so let's talk about why."

"¡Dije que me dejen solo! ¡Y no estoy molesto! ¿Qué te hace pensar que?"

"Lance, you're muttering in spanish. You only do that when you're upset."

"...No no soy!"

"Sí, you are!"

Lance sighed. "I just..." Lance started, finally speaking english. "I don't want cause anymore trouble at the circus. Shiro is already stressed out as it is with the protesters and that guy from the newspaper! And Keith...he probably doesn't even see me that way anyways so why should it matter if I like him or not." Veronica sighed.

"Because I think he sees you the same?" Veronica smiled. "I saw the way he looked at you. He definitely was checking you out!" Lance turned his head towards Veronica with an annoyed expression on his face. "No. Más. Problemas." Lance grumbled. Veronica looked at her brother deadpan. "Can you stop speaking spanish for one second?" Lance sighed and looked away. "Sí- I mean, yes..."

"Look, I know you don't want cause trouble. But you've obviously fallen for him and, whether you like it or not, he might have as well. And you can't keep pushing people away because you'll end up unhappy. I miss the smiling cuban boy I grew up with. You always worry about others and what they think. It's time to think about you."

Veronica then jumped off the bed and grabbed Lance's hands. "Besides, this is no time to mope! WE'RE GOING TO MEET THE KING!" Veronica squealed. This time Lance joined in as they both chanted '¡Vamos a encontrarnos con el rey!'

They then heard a knock on the door. "SHUT UP!" They heard from outside. They then laughed and yelled "¡No tu!" and continued to chant and celebrate.

Lance decided then and there that he wanted to get to know Keith a little better. Tomorrow he would begin to talk to him.



Just letting you know, all the spanish done in the chapter was done with the help of Google Translate and as we all know it may not entirely be correct at all.

If you want the translations, here:

¡Ya basta, Veronica! - Cut it out, Veronica!

En serio mujer! ¡Ya tengo suficiente en mi plato en este momento! ¡No necesito que me molestes con tus constantes alardes! ¡Dios! - Seriously woman! I have enough on my plate right now! I do not need you to annoy me with your constant bragging! God!

Veronica, déjame en paz! - Veronica, leave me alone!

¡Dije que me dejen solo! ¡Y no estoy molesto! ¿Qué te hace pensar que? - I said leave me alone! And I'm not upset! What makes you think that?

...No no soy! - ...No I'm not!

No. Más. Problemas. - No. More. Problems.

¡Vamos a encontrarnos con el rey! - We're going to meet the King!

¡No tu! - No you!

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