Chapter 3: I Know You Want Me

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One night, Shiro had decided to recruit some else to help with the circus. An apprentice. There was one person that had caught his eye. His name was Keith Kogane. Keith was a playwright. The Kogane's were a very proud family and proud of their son's work. Though it didn't seem like it was something that Keith wanted to do. Infact, he seemed a little unhappy.

Shiro found Keith one night, standing outside of a theatre where his newest play had been performing. "Mr. Kogane." Shiro called formally grabbing Keith's attention. "You produced this play?"

"Yes I do, indeed" Keith sighed. "Refunds are available at the front box office."

Shiro chuckled before holding out his hand. "Takashi Shirogane" he said proudly.

Keith stared at Shiro for a minute. "From the circus?" he asked impressed taking Shiro's hand and shaking it.

"Yes. You've been?"

"God, no. But I've seen the crowds. People leave your show happier than when they came in. Which is much more than I can say from my play."

"And yet, you have no trouble selling tickets."

Keith shrugged. "That's because I'm selling virtue."

Shiro was impressed by Keith. "Can I buy you a drink?" Shiro asked.

"I mean, yeah. I'm not doing anything at the moment so..."Keith shrugged again.

* * *

At the nearby bar, the two talked business. Their shows, wanting to go after snobs. Keith rolled his eyes. "If only you knew how suffocating they are..."

"So come join our circus!" Shiro suggested almost immediately. "You clearly have a flair for show business."

Keith looked at Shiro for a quick second really confused by the words 'show business'. He'd never heard those words together before. Shiro was one of the craziest men alive. "Teach me how to appeal to the highbrows" Shiro said enthusiastically.

"Are you serious?" Keith asked. Shiro nodded, a big smile on his face. This guy was nuts! "Mr. Shirogane, I can not just run off and join a circus!"

The two bickered a little. Keith knew that if he ran off to join the circus, let alone talking to Shiro in public, would ruin his reputation and go against everything this parents would have wanted for him. He'd be another clown in his circus.

Now is this really how you like to spend your days?
Whiskey and misery, and parties and plays

If I were mixed up with you, I'd be the talk of the town                                                                     Disgraced and disowned, another one of the clowns

But you would finally live a little, finally laugh a little
Just let me give you the freedom to dream
And it'll wake you up and cure your aching
Take your walls and start 'em breaking
Now that's a deal that seems worth taking
But I guess I'll leave that up to you

Keith thought about it for a moment. Yes he'd be risking everything...his fame his inheritance...but Shiro was right. He'd be miserable if he stayed where he was. He turned around from the door.

Well it's intriguing, but to go would cost me greatly
So what percentage of the show would I be taking?

Fair enough, you'd want a piece of all the action                                                                                                I'd give you seven, we could shake and make it happen

I wasn't born this morning, eighteen would be just fine

Why not just go ahead and ask for nickels on the dime


I'd do eight


Maybe nine

"Ten!" Keith suggested. Shiro sighed. They finally came to a decision. 

"Sir, it looks like you have yourself a junior partner" Keith smiled.

"What I have is an overcompensated apprentice" Shiro chuckled.

They shook hands and ran off to the circus. Shiro showed Keith everywhere and introduced him to many people. But there was one person that caught Keith's eye. Shiro showed Keith what was happening with the circus. On stage was the Razzle Dazzle Siblings. Lance swung towards Keith. Suddenly, everything was in slow motion. Lance was hanging upside down on the bar. He then looked at Keith. Keith looked at Lance. They shared a moment. Something that they had never really felt before. Keith felt his heart skip a beat. Lance was...beautiful.

Then everything started up again. Going back to normal. Lance continued to swing on the trapeze and finish the show. Keith was still in awe. "Who is that?" Keith asked.

* * *

After the trapeze act, Shiro brought Keith to meet Veronica and Lance. "Veronica, Lance, I want to introduce my latest hire, Mr. Keith Kogane" Shiro smiled.

"it's a pleasure to meet you" Veronica smiled holding out her hand to shake.

"Yeah, pleasure" Keith took Veronica's hand and shook it. He then turned his attention to Lance. Again still in awe of him. He felt his cheeks going warmer.

"And what is your act Mr. Kogane?" Lance asked folding his arms.

Keith awoke from his trance. Well...sort of. "I...don't have an act."

"Everyone's got an act."

Lance then left the area. Keith watched Lance walk out. He then realised what he was feeling. About Lance. He wasn't worried about what society thought. It probably didn't matter anyway. Lance probably didn't feel the same way anyway.

"Mr. Shirogane!" A red headed, mustached man ran in calling out and breaking Keith out of the love trance he was feeling. "You better come see this!"

Shiro flowed mustache out of the building. "Keith, keep up!"

Keith followed Shiro but not before getting stopped by Lance's sister who, by the way, had the strangest smirk on her face. Keith looked at her for one second, eyebrow raised, and then followed Shiro out. Veronica knew what was going on.

When they were outside there were a bunch of protesters, holding up signs and torches. They were also yelling. Angrily. It might have been the same mob that attacked Lance and the gang. "Nothing draws a crowd quite like a crowd" Shiro sighed.

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