Legolas- My Protector pt. 2

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"There's Balion, Ranian, Tallinor," your little sister listed the names of possible suitors as the two of you searched through the hanging dresses at the outdoor market, "(Y/n), they're all on their knees begging for your hand. You'll have to say yes to one of them eventually. I don't see why your holding back."

You sighed. "Maybe I just haven't found the right ellon."

"Maybe you just haven't opened your eyes!" she retorted. "Last I checked, you aren't blind, so you might as well make an effort to look for your significant other."

"I'm immortal, dear sister. I have all the time in Middle-Earth to find him. I appreciate your concern, but I will maintain my courting activities by myself."

As if on cue, Tallinor, one of the many elves awestruck by your beauty and skill, hopped out from behind a rack of fine dresses and flashed you a smile. Oh no, you thought. This is why I don't like leaving the house. 

"Mae govannen, Lady (y/n)," he said happily. You wanted to ask him to step back; he was too close for your comfort. "Your beauty shines in the light of the morning sun."

"Why thank you, Tallinor!" you said with a fake smile. Beat it, Tallinor.

"Do you have any plans today?" he asks. You held your breath, knowing all too well the rejection he was about to get. Your sister, however, saw this as a golden opportunity and winked before stalking away. You had never hated her more. "I would love to take you out for lunch. There's this gorgeous waterfall I know of. We could have a picnic there."

As amazing as that sounded, it didn't sound appealing at all with him in the scene. Your heart was saying, "But it would with Prince Legolas!" but you quickly shut it up. After the prince had kept you safe for a the day yesterday, he returned to his royal duties. As much as your heart ached to know it, you would probably never see him again. Never mind all your girly hopes, though. You still had to deal with the ellon in front of you.

"I can't," you squeaked. 

"Oh," he said with clear disappointment. "Busy?"

"No." You turned away, your spine straight as a board. This was too awkward for your poor introverted self to handle. Please don't follow me, please don't follow me, you prayed in your head. To your horror, his long fingers wrapped around your wrist and pulled you back to face him. It didn't hurt, but you very well it would if you stayed much longer- it always did. Elves were determined creatures, and it always seemed to show in the worst of times. This one particular elf did not have the pride to retreat from his impossible mission, and it made you scared.

"What about tomorrow?" he said hopefully. "I have plans, but I'd move them for you."

You tried to move his fingers off you, but they didn't budge. You became desperate. "I- I'm sorry, Tallinor, but I won't be going anywhere with you at anytime."

His grip on you wrist tightened as you tried to squirm away. You had rejected too many ellons to count in the past, but most of them were composed and hid their disappointment. Others were not and their disappointed turned into rage. This was one of those few, unfortunate times. He opened his mouth to say something you knew you would dread, but another voice stopped him before anything came out.

"Release the lady or I'll make you."

You both turned to see Legolas approaching on a strong, white steed. He was dressed in his light armor, his many blades sheathed and a quiver of arrow on his back. He and his troops had just returned from a hunt. You sighed with relief at the sight of him. Tallinor immediately let go of you and bowed curtly to his prince before speeding away.

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