Thranduil- Sneak Away King pt. 2

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The soft clicking of spoons against bowls and glasses against wood filled your small house as you and your family, made entirely of gardeners, ate dinner at the table. Your left hand was under the table, fiddling with the silver band in the pocket of your apron. Your engagement ring. 

You gently set your spoon down in your soup bowl as you replayed the proposal in your head.

When Thranduil met up with you the night before, he was wearing some of his nicest robes; though, he didn't where his crown for a sense humbleness. He seemed somewhat nervous in a way you hadn't seen before. You began to tell him about your day.

"(Y/n)?" he said suddenly. You gave him your full attention. He sat up and looked you deep in the eyes. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I must ask you something. If an ellon of great nobility asked for your hand when the sun rose, what would you say?"

"I would say no, of course." His gaze fell and he swallowed. "Not when I love you."

A spark of hope appeared in his blue eyes. "Forgive me, meleth nin, I meant if I didn't exist."

"So, if you didn't exist, and an ellon asked me to marry him this next morning, how would I answer?" You clarified the question and Thranduil nodded. "Well, is he kind and compassionate?"

Thranduil shrugged. "I'd hope so."

"Would he love me for me?"

"To the end of time."

"Is he handsome?"

"Very." He smiled. 

"Then the only reason I would say no is because he isn't you, but considering you don't exist in this alternate universe, yes, I would accept him."

Thranduil beamed. He knew now was his chance, so he knelt before you and took your hands in his. "Meleth nin, (y/n), will you do the honor of becoming my wife and queen?"

You froze. This was why he had been so tense- he was going to ask you to marry him! And all the questions, he was trying to if you would accept him before he actually did it. His sensitivity didn't fail to melt your heart once again. Without thinking of complications and whether or not your parents would approve, you made up your mind. But you were so shocked and emotional, you couldn't speak your answer. 

"Meleth?" Thranduil asked nervously, fearing the worst. "Have I offended you?" Without an answer from you, he recoiled his hands. "You need not speak, (y/n), I understand." 

He got up to leave, but you, now being in tears, grabbed him by the wrist, pulled him back down, and crashed your lips upon his. With little hesitation, holding back only to process what was happening, he kissed you back. Minutes passed before the two of you parted. 

The Elvenking looked at you with admiration and love in his eyes as he said, "I'm guessing that's a yes, then?" You laughed through your tears of joy. He took your left hand and something out his pocket - a silver ring embedded with white gems of pure starlight- and slipped it onto your finger. You clasped your other hand over your mouth, disbelieving that this, the thing you feared and longed for most, was actually happening. 

He raised your hand to his lips and kissed it like it was the most valuable thing in Middle-Earth. "If you would not like me to do it for you, meleth nin, you must speak with your family soon. I know it matters to you that you have your parents' approval."

And that's what you were hoping to do now, but you were at loss of courage at the moment. 

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