3 - fat acceptance

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fat acceptance is toxic. body positivity and fat acceptance are not the same thing, so don't come yelling at me with body positivity crap that i already knew.

i know people have special conditions that make them overweight or obese, but if you have no special condition or anything like that, and you're perfectly healthy (regarding your weight) you have absolutely no excuse as to why you're overweight or obese besides from the fact that your eating habits are out of control. i've been gaining a little bit of weight recently, but that's because i lay on my couch and eat junk food. so i'm regarding people that have conditions this entire chapter cause they can't control that.

being obese is not a good thing. i guess it's okay for a certain amount of time, but i'm wondering if it's still okay when you get a heart attack. it's not a good thing if you run 50 meters and you have to spend 15 minutes catching your breath. it's not a good thing if you can't run 100 meters without stopping. it's not a good thing if you can easily go through 3 bags of family size chips and still proceed to eat a burger.

i have nothing but respect for those who are trying to lose weight (or gain weight, but i'll talk about that in a different chapter) to become healthier, and i have no respect for those who are trying to glorify obesity.

if you love your body, you'd want the best for it.

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