9 - halloween

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halloween is one of the best holidays and will always have a special place in my heart and that's the tea.

first of all i'm gonna talk about candy

1. candy corn

it's nasty.

2. butterfingers


3. snickers

snickers are fucking amazing

4. sour candy

yes. always. i love warheads and i wouldn't mind shoving 5 in my mouth at once

5. gummies


6. those coconut chocolate bars

hell no

7. taffy

it's nasty

8. caramel anything

toss it in the trash

9. tootsie rolls

god no.

10. skittles

skittles > m&ms

11. starburst

they're not that good

12. smarties


13. milky way


14. candy canes

if they're just plain mint then they're bad

15. jolly ranchers

cherry and grape are nasty. green apple is the best

16. sour patch kids

they're good at first when you bite into them, then when they lose their sourness they taste like crap

next i'll be talking about halloween costumes

i live in minnesota, so it's hard to find a costume that's weather appropriate, and today we literally had snow. so if that's how it's gonna be on halloween, i don't know what i'll do. when i was like 7, my mom made me wear a big puffer jacket over my ariel costume.

i hate wearing costumes where you have to do your makeup. it looks really good but whenever you go to scratch your nose, your makeup gets smeared (and i'm talking about the face makeup, like specifically for halloween use cause regular makeup makes me break out) and if i go to school like that, i'll actually look like shrek when it's time for 6th hour.

next i'll talk about those bowls that people leave outside where there's a sign and it says, "please only take ___"

i'm not even gonna lie, i take like a handful. i don't pour the entire thing into my bag cause i wanna leave some for others, but i'll always take more than what they ask.

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