4 - school

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after school activities


i don't normally do after school activities, i used to, but now that i'm in my sophomore year, i've dropped everything since i've been so stressed with school work and friends lately. my parents are no longer letting me either.

it annoys me so much when people come to school saying stuff like, "i couldn't do my homework cause of (insert sport) practice," like... if you have no time for school work after your activities or clubs whatever, how about don't do them in the first place or just not show up? you had time to go to your softball game for over 3 hours, so you might as well spend 30 minutes on your math homework.




i don't get how people have the time for so many relationships with boys/girls. i literally see people at my school planning out dates and stuff and it seems like all they do is go out all the time. where are your parents? don't you have homework?


popular kids


they annoy me so much. i have a few friends who are popular but they're nice and not absolute dickbags like most people. they're constantly yelling during lunch time to try and get peoples attention, the girls are always talking about boys, and the boys are always talking about girls.




i genuinely don't get why every girl on tumblr wants to fuck a teacher

my teachers are old and annoying. i have a few that i can actually stand but i hate having to deal with shitty teachers that you can't do anything about.


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