12 - types of people in school i hate or cant stand

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1. the kid who constantly smells like shit

yeah yeah conditions and stuff like that probably exist and some families can't afford to pay the water bill, but if you don't have any excuse, please put on perfume or take a shower. if you can afford your $50 under armor backpack, you can fucking afford $10 perfume at walmart.

2. people that say they did bad when they got a 98%


3. people who create unnecessary drama


4. perverts

tbh i make a lot of sexual jokes, but not everything is about titties and dicks sorry sis

5. the excuse makers who suck at making excuses anyway

just because you had math homework and science homework doesn't mean you'll get away with not doing your spanish homework. just because you fucking had sports doesn't mean you can't do your homework. there's such thing as cancelling.

6. kids who constantly say the n word


7. the kid who has shitty breath

again, conditions and stuff. but again, if you can afford your vera bradley backpack or your $10 fake gucci shirt, YOU CAN GO TO WALMART AND BUY TOOTHPASTE FOR LIKE $7

8. the girl who always wears super high heels to school and complains that her feet hurt

u knew what u were getting urself into

9. the kid who constantly has a fake ass laugh and it's super loud

it's not that hard to spot a fake laugh

10. the kid who obnoxiously chews on their gum and always asks for gum and gets mad when they say no but when people ask them they say no

we aren't filming an asmr or a mukbang

11. the EXTREME overachiever that's super cocky

i'm always trying to get extra credit and shit, but just cause u got 2 more points than the rest of the class doesn't make you special ok

12. the kid who talks back to the teacher

i don't really hate this kid tbh it's just that outside of school they're annoying.

13. the couple who has daily fights, breakups, and boyfriends/girlfriends and causes public drama

this ain't it

14. that fake friend who can't keep a secret

i don't even need to explain this one

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