17. Creeping Closeness

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From past 2 months, I have been thinking a lot about all of my readers with whom I have always remained distanced. I personally think, Wattpad is not a good and easy place to communicate, no doubt BEST for the READING. If you want to stay connected with me, here is my freshly made IG account; @saleheen1419

You all can follow me there happily, text me or whatever. I will definitely respond. Looking towards a positive reply. Help me grow, bunnies!

(P.S: Avoid reading it till end if mature stuff is not your type!)

Chapter 17

The sleeping hours dust away with the glorious emergence of sun coupled with chilled gales and clouds. The fog and chills deliberately go hand in hand during winters.

Khushi turns and twists under duvet to search the dear mobile her nights are spent with. All the time she would yearn to see a text from her fiancé-coming-Mankooh. The strong yearn would compel her to check mobile even in the state of half sleep or taking turns during sleep. His comments, his last seen, his emoji's, his tags, his private messages... they have become her lifeline.

High and dry, she inspects her pop up notifications. Her face goes radiant to spot a few special messages amongst many. She eagerly pins the lock while inwardly admiring the deep hue of her Henna. Adamantly, she got it done on Mayoon function to achieve the darker color.

"Yes, Arnav. I slept after Fajr. Couldn't sleep after your departure." She replies to his one of the messages about her needed sleep.

"Don't worry. I have already discussed about hairstyle with beautician. She won't use stack of pins." She blushes at his extraordinary concern about not getting into much of the trouble tonight.

"Oh, so, Madam is up. Good morning. Have your last breakfast as a bride-to-be, sweetheart!" His instant answer flutters her heart, bringing laughter on her lips.

"Are you done with breakfast?" She asks.

"Yes. Long ago." He replies while nodding the servant to place the suit cases in his room. He had hired a professional team on double payment to refurbish his room into his mother's chosen soft yet cozier texture. Khushi did not put her choice leaving him to do this on his own and thus he took help from his mother who certainly has an idea about the taste and comfort zones of his bride-to-be.

The mild gray coupled with cream, black and maroon strips is definitely giving the room a convivial and sophisticated glam. Honestly, he did not want his room to change at all and mark her his on his very bed he spent nights thinking about making love to her. But he was impelled by granny to not skip this tradition every Meer follow before bringing his wife home.

"Your private suit cases have arrived." He informs her with evil emoji.

"They are code locked." She was not dumb to send them unlocked whilst he is on a troll to do shenanigans and then justifying them with his quoted right.

"Trust ×" He himself chuckles. Teasing her has always been his favorite task.

"I would not have agreed to get Rukhsat with you if there were trust issues, my love."

The serious reply alarms him to calm her pre-wedding cramps. "I was kidding, cushion." The nicknames have been fun lately.

"I understand the curiosity." She laughs pinching her own cheek to relish in the nickname and gets up to have the breakfast if the hunger is still making ways to her stomach.

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