Chapter One

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*Author's Note* 

This story is written as all characters would be in high school, so Peter is not a kid per say but a teenager more specifically 17 just to make it more fun for me to write 

Another day at school I sigh as I think about it, you would think a 16 year old would have a good amount of friends but I guess I missed the memo, I have none. I spend all my time alone at school and then come home and spend the time alone once again. 

*Bell rings*

"Great gonna be late again..." I mumble to myself, I trudge myself to my first period class English I sit at the back like always and start to doodle in my notebook, I used to be an 80's student but not so much anymore, not since my parents started fighting... English ends relatively fast and I move onto science, its a pretty boring class. Once lunch hits I walk outside and sit on the grass, my school is always humid and outside is always nicer. As I'm eating I see a shadow I look up but there's no one there,

"Hmm weird I swear I saw something" I whisper, I go back to eating and see another shadow except this time someone is there, Brittany and josh, The jock and the cheerleader captain. I used to be friends with them, well Josh at least I hated Brittany, but then he asked me out, when I was going through a lot, my parents started to fight and I rejected him, he stopped being my friend and started dating Brittany. Now they torture me and I do nothing about it because I am broken and I don't want to do anything. I sit there quietly chewing my food.

"Hey loser" Brittany says with a sneer " you look lonely" 

I keep my head down then all of a sudden my head is yanked up by josh with his hand on my chin " Tsk can't believe I used to like that face" Josh says, my eyes look down and I can feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes " what too harsh" Josh says laughing afterwards, he lets go of my chin then grabs my arm harshly causing me to wince in pain then pushes me to the side onto the concrete. " well we gotta go we have stuff to do" Brittany says giving me a wink as she leaves.

I stand up looking down at my ripped jeans and the cuts underneath them. I could see blood starting to ooze out of the cuts "Fuck" I whisper, I go into my bag and grab band-aids and disinfectant, I always keep medical supplies in my bag knowing damn straight I would run into josh and Brittany or any other jerk in this school. After cleaning myself up I start to walk to third period, the rest of the day was pretty boring and dragged on. Once home I open the door and am not surprised when I hear yelling, I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple and as I'm walking to my room I walk right in between my parents "shit" I mumble 

"What did you say" My mom says with fury in her eyes. 

"umm.." but before I can continue I feel my dad's hand find its way across my face, I drop my apple and place my hand over my now red face as tears well to my eyes 

"Pick up the apple you ungrateful child" My dad says in a booming voice, I quickly nod grab the apple and run to my room, then they continue fighting, I close my door and sink down to the floor, as tears roll down. It doesn't happen often but I try my best to avoid my parents when they are fighting because I always get hit and called ungrateful, some days I want to end it, I can't deal being bullied and home and at school, I have no safe space but, then I tell myself to stay strong for my grandma. We had a great relationship I went to her house a lot and we hung out so much, but when she died my parents started to fight and grandma's dying wish was for me to be happy and she told me to stay strong no matter what happened. I stay strong for her and think of her when I am done the only problem I have is I'm not happy and I feel as if I failed her. She told me to be the best version of me and to be happy, but I'm not doing any of those things. thinking about this made me cry more, this seemed to be a regular thing if only I could fix myself. It's my fault everyone is fighting and that everyone hates me, I say to myself. I get up and go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, red, puffy eyes swollen from crying and my face is red. As I start to wash my face with cold water to bring down the swelling I hear a sound, I peek out of the bathroom and swear I saw a shadow go by my window, which by the way is now open 

"huh I don't remember opening that" I saw slowly, I start to walk over to the window, I look out it but don't see anything. 

"How would someone even be up here anyways, they'd have to be able to fly" I say to myself. I close my window and take one last look towards it, "If I could fly I'd leave this place, but that would never happen" I whisper to myself. I get ready for be and lie down, I never get to much sleep but, I decided to lie down now and maybe I would sleep better. Before my eyes fully closed I swear I saw a guy at my window, but that's impossible right?

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