Chapter Seven

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"That's the Jolly Rodger, Captain Hook's ship"

I looked at Pan confused as he quickly got to his feet. I stared at him as he played his flute, and all the lost boys appeared out of no where. Charlie Joseph and Aaron walked up 
"What's up" Pan doesn't say anything all he does is point and once he does there normal smiles turned into serious battle faces. The lost boys started to journey down the cliff towards the ship, Pan was about to fly off when I grabbed him he looks down at me and his expression softens

"I want to come" I state 

"um" he thinks as his eyes look over at the ship then back at me. "okay" he says his voice soft. he reaches out his hand and I grab hold, he then begins to fly towards the ship. He hands me a small dagger and a crossbow before we board the ship. As the lost boys rush aboard he turns to me and says " You need to be careful, because if you get hurt I would never forgive myself" I smile at his concern 

"I'll be fine and besides it wouldn't be your fault I was the one that wanted to come" I then rush onto the ship leaving a dumbfounded Pan I laugh as I let out a war cry, but once I get on the ship seriousness washes over me. I start to look over the ship and notice Aaron all by himself facing two pirates. I rush towards him and block the oncoming attack with my dagger I start to battle off the pirate and push him off the boat, I smile in victory, I turn around and see Pan fighting Hook but I also see a pirate sneaking up behind him. 

"Pan behind you" I knew I couldn't load the crossbow in time so I took a risk and throw my dagger it hits the pirate in the leg and enables Pan to boost up into the rafters, I let out a sigh of relief, and I begin to load the crossbow. I look up seeing Hook and Pan battling, then I bring my focus back down to the battle in front of me. As I am shooting pirates in the legs trying not to cause huge bodily harm a sword falls in front of me. I gasp in shock then look up to see Pan without a sword, he looks kind of... sad. What is Hook saying to him, I grab his sword place it in my mouth then carefully start to climb up. When I get up there I can finally hear what Hook is saying

"She's going to leave you just like Wendy, who would want to stay with you" Hook says with disgust, he punches Pan right across the face. I gasp and Hook and Pan turn to look at me, I look at Pan and start talking

"I would never leave, you are my rescuer, you saved me remember?" Pan looks at me with sad eyes as if remembering something sad, I stare at him in shock, when his face changes and I look in front of me to see Hook. In the corner of my eye I see Pan start to run after me, I pull up Pan's sword. "Bring it" I say fury clouding over my eyes, Hook swings and I crouch and lunge at him, he ends up grabbing my sword with his hook hand. I look at him with fear in my eyes then look at Pan with sorrow, I mouth a sorry to him and see his face morph into shock as Hook begins to plunge the sword into my chest. Before he does this an arrow hits the post and shocks both of us, but I recover quickly, letting go of Pan's sword and climbing down the ropes as fast as I could, when I look over to see who shot the arrow I see Charlie, he looks at me and I see him mouth a quick "move" as  I continue to climb down. I look up to see Pan back to his normal self.... more or less he looks more angry but he is more or less himself. Once I get down the ropes I breathe out and start laughing at me escaping a near death experience, but it's short lived as I see an arrow coming start for me, the last thing I remember is being pushed slightly and then seeing the arrow piercing my shoulder. Then I passed out from the pain.

Pan's POV

  I knocked Hook out and raise my arms in victory, I lower myself to the ship when I see the boys in a crowd. I call out to Charlie giving him a thanks for saving Amy until I see the look on his face. I rush towards the crowd and push through till I see Amy lying on the ground with an arrow in her shoulder, I crouch beside her then feel for a pulse. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I feel a faint heartbeat. I carefully but quickly pick her up and tell the boys to get bandages and all the stuff needed to save her. I lift off bringing her back to camp, I place her in my tent and start to get to work. When I am about to pull out the arrow, the boys rush in with bandages and medicine for her, I sigh. Then grab hold of the arrow and quickly pull it out, I see her wince in pain, I then grab something to place over the wound to try and slow down the bleeding until, Charlie comes with a heated up arrow and says that we can cauterize the wound and before I can say anything he places the arrow into her wound and all I can hear is her scream. I look at him with daggers in my eyes until I notice that the bleeding has stopped, I begin to sew up her  wound and then place bandages on it. I look down at her and see her start to move. I feel once more for her heartbeat and it feels much faster and more steady "Thank god" I whisper. I sit with her until the moon begins to set, I look at her and see her eyes slowly open.

"Pan" I hear her say in a soft whisper, she begins to sit up and I couldn't help myself I gave her a big hug, I hear her suck in a breath and I immediately let her go. I look back at her and see her with a frown on her face, I look at her confused " Come back" I hear her say faintly, I lean towards her and she puts her arms around my neck and gives  me a hug, I hug back, we stayed like that for what felt like forever. She then pulls away puts her hands on either side of my face and then kisses me, I respond immediately, but before I knew it, it felt as if she pulled back. I open my eyes to see her start to disappear.... again. She looks at me with a smile "See you tonight" I nod and before I know it, she's gone.... again

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