Chapter Five

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I woke up in my bed, "Was it a dream" I whisper. I run down the stairs to find my parents fighting in the living room. I run back up and close my door and I sink to my knees and start to cry. "No it couldn't be a dream, it felt so real" I look down at my wrists and find that they are bandage with gauze "huh, where are the.." I stand up with a tear stained face and look over towards my nightstand. My eyes light up when I see the flower Pan gave me, a beautiful blue flower with  a blood red centre.  I grab it, " It had to be real if I have this" as I am sitting there I hear my alarm go. " 7 o'clock already" I whisper. As I get up and get ready for school I grab the flower and place it in my hair, to remind me that Pan is real and that he will come back for me.... I hope. I decided to walk to school I wore a hoodie, but it was quite hot out and I was scared I was going to overheat, but I couldn't take it off because of the bandages. I walked into class and sat at the back. When I sat down I started to look out the window but then someone sat next to me. I looked over to see Josh. He started to laugh probably from my expression.
"I know surprising right?" he says with a smile, I just nod and wonder why he's talking to me. He clears his throat before he speaks again "Uh well I just wanted to apologize, I've been a jerk these few years. I should have supported you as a friend" he looks at me as if expecting me to  forgive him.

"What" I say barely a whisper, he looks shocked " you want me to forgive you just like that, you made my life a living hell just because I wouldn't go out with you, friends don't do that" I spit at him. The bell rings and I turn away from him, refusing to talk to him for the rest of the class. When the bell rings signifying the end of class he stomps out. "Ugh he doesn't deserve to be angry" I storm out and skip second period. I walk outside and sit at the side of the school, but while I was sitting there I got to hot so I took off my sweater. I look down at my wrists remembering Pan, I then take out the flower and hold it in my hands. "Please come back, I need you" I whisper.

"Who are you talking to?" I look up to see a girl I've never seen before. I look down.

"I was talking to myself"

"Pretty flower" she says eyeing my flower "Where did you get it" she says with a hint of anger in her voice. I look down at the flower smiling at the memory.

"A friend gave it to me" I say staring at her with concern. This girl is weird, she keeps looking at my flower then back at me with a hint of hatred in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" the girl says with concern, I look up to meet her eyes and I see her looking at my wrists. I grab my sweater and place it on top of my lap blocking my wrists

"Nothing, don't worry about" I say turning away from her.

"My name is.." she pauses as if she didn't know her name " Amber..." she states with uncertainty. Why is this girl talking to me? I turn to face her.

"Well that's a nice name" I say getting up "but I got to go.... Amber" I say and start to walk home. There's no point staying here, may as well go home and wait for nightfall hopefully that's when Pan comes.

Pan's POV

I stand there motionless as I see Amy disappear from my grasp. "Wha... How did this happen, this has never happened before" I pace back and forth "I have to go back for her.... but it's morning there, it's going to be hard flying through a lit up city" I decided to go to the lost boys and see if they had any ideas.

"Hey Peter" they all say.

"Where's Amy?" Charlie says. I stare at him and then sigh.

"She disappeared... I think she was sent back" I state sadly.

"What" Joseph says coming through the crowd

"How could that happen" Aaron says pushing his way through the crowd.

"I don't know that's why I came to you guys"

"Hmm" Charlie, Joseph, and Aaron says together "What if...." Charlie starts "She hasn't pledge herself to Neverland yet" Joseph continues "So Neverland ejected her" Aaron finishes. I start to pace 

"But that didn't happen with...."

"Wendy" the three boys state "yeah you are right" The rest of the lost boys start to thin out and I am left with Charlie, Joseph, and Aaron. "Did you do anything different with Wendy that you didn't do with Amy?"

"I don't think so" I start to think "Hmm, well... she got hurt" I state. "When Wendy first came to Neverland you boys shot her out of the sky, Amy wasn't hurt or didn't seem like it, Neverland brings in ones who are lost or hurt, Amy was happy once she got here" 

"Yeah yeah I remember that" the guys say in unison. " but she did have bandages on" Charlie states "that's because...." Joseph starts to whisper in Charlie's ear "WHAT! I didn't know that"

"How did you know?" I question 

"It's obvious, she comes with bandages around both wrists, that's not a coincidence" Joseph starts "How did you let it get so far that she almost died" Charlie says in a whisper.
"I.." I start to yell but stop " I couldn't figure out how to introduce myself " I say barely audible.

"Ooh, looks like Peter has a crush" Aaron says 

"Shut it" I say, giving him a death glare "I am not hurting her again so I don't know how to keep her here" I say.

"Well just grab her every night and spend that time with her maybe..." Joseph stops "Fate will intervene" Charlie finishes " and on the topic of Wendy what will she think of Amy" Aaron says

"Why the hell should I care, she left" I start "she's not my problem anymore, besides why would she come back" 

"Well if she found out about Amy..." Aaron starts but no one finishes. I look at Aaron in horror

"Oh god, I hope she doesn't because I gave her fairy dust in case she wanted to come back" The boys look at me in horror.

"It's fine she wont know and if she does find out," Charlie says "We got your back!" the guys say in unison.

"Thanks guys" Well the plan was set I am going to get Amy once the moon rises. I shake my thoughts of Wendy and start to plan with the guys what we are going to do tonight.

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