Chapter Six

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As the sun started to set and the moon started to rise, I sat in my room clutching the flower. Hoping that Pan would come back. While I was waiting, I could hear my parents voices, they were just down the hall and there fighting was louder then normal. They were in their room, which is right next to mine. My name came up a few times while they were arguing but I couldn't quite make out why. I started to drown out their fighting, focusing on the flower, then I heard my window open, I looked up to see... "PAN!!" I yell then run towards the window and grab onto him causing us to both fall out the window.  Pan takes off and is holding me underneath him while he fly's to Neverland, tears are running down my face and I couldn't be happier. 

"Hey love" Pan says with a smirk on his face  "miss me?" I start to laugh 

"Yes Yes I did" I say with a big ass smile on my face. We make it to Neverland and he places me on the ground, immediately I turn around and give him a big hug. "Thank you, thank you for coming back for me" I say tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes. Pan starts to laugh.

"What you thought I would leave you," he pauses "once a lost boy, always a lost boy." I smile at the thought of being a lost boy "or well... lost girl I guess" I scrunch up my nose

"No, I like lost boy better, it has a better ring to it." I say, "so, what are we going to do today?" I ask.

"It's a surprise" Pan then reaches his hand out and I take hold as he walks us back to his camp. 

"AMY!" Charlie, Joseph, and Aaron run up to me and give me a bear hug "We missed you" I giggle 

"I missed you guys to" I say with a smile. I look over at Pan and give his hand a squeeze. Then he looks down at me gives me a smile, but it's soon changed with a mischievous grin. He picks me up bridal style and boosts in to the air, I grab onto his neck and start laughing. Before I know it we are on top of a beautiful cliff, where there is a blanket and a basket. My eyes light up as it clicks in my brain that we are having a picnic. I sit down and look at Pan with an excited look, he sits down next to me and opens up the basket to reveal more delicious looking food. Man the food here always looks great. He gives me one of the sandwiches and I start to eat, "Mm wow, the food here is amazing"  I say as I savour every bite.

"Really, I was told by... other people that are food isn't that great" I look over towards him 

"Well they are wrong, either that or I am a terrible cook" I say while laughing

"Wait you cooked your own meals"

"Well yeah... my parents were to busy fighting to cook, so I would cook myself raman, but then I got tired of just eating the raman and had to start adding stuff to it. eventually I just stopped and i would pick something up, or just eat an..." I pause then sigh " an apple" I say in a whisper

"What, you eat an apple for supper" Pan says in shock "good thing I found you" he says while smiling. While we are sitting there I get the feeling someone is looking at me and look over to see Pan, I lock eyes with him and I smile. "You still have that flower I gave you" he says with a soft smile on his face 

"Yeah it was the only thing I woke up with, my bandages were gone and on my nightstand was that flower" I take it out of my hair and look at it "I wore it to school to remind myself that you were real and that you were going to come..." Pan cuts me off

"You wore it to school?! Did anyone mention or act odd about it." I think about it for a second 

"Oh yeah a girl... Amber I think she said her name was but I don't believe her she seemed as if she made it up on the spot."

"What did she look like?!" Pan says concern laced in his voice

"Calm down, she had long wavy brown hair, um blue eyes similar to yours and..."

"How was she odd?"

"Well she looked at the flower with anger, as if she knew it was from..." I pause "Neverland... you know who she is don't you" He looks down

"Yes I brought her here before... A long time ago trust me" He pauses "I haven't thought about her in a while... trust me" I look at his eyes and they look scared I place my hand in his.

"I trust you... what's her name" I ask, hoping he would answer

"Can we get back to our picnic after?" I nod, he lets out a big sigh "Wendy."

I scoot closer to Pan and lay my head on his shoulder "It will take more then a crazy ex to scare me off" I whisper in his ear before planting a quick kiss to his cheek, he smiles before putting his hand behind my neck and pulling me in close. 

"I'm glad, I don't think I could ever lose you" he whispers before kissing me on the lips, after a few minutes I pull back not wanting things to get to heated , before placing my hand in his and leaning against his shoulder once again. As I am leaning against him I see something in the distance. A ship, I lift my head.

"Pan" he hums in response "whats that over there, it looks like a ship." When I look over at Pan his face is hard,

"That's the Jolly Rodger, Captain Hook's ship." 

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