Chapter Nine

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"Hi Peter"

Peter's normal smiling face fades and it's replaced with a stone cold glare, " What are you doing here" he says in a venomous tone. 

"Aw, what don't you miss me"Wendy says, he pauses staring daggers

"I did" Pan says emphasizing the 'did'  Wendy pretends to look hurt. 

"Well I only came because of her," Wendy looks me up and down "I don't trust her, I think she is trying to use you" This is when I speak up 

"Hey!" I yell " I don't know what your problem is but Peter obviously doesn't want you here and besides you sound like quite the bitch." I finish Pan looks back at me shocked, probably because I swore. Wendy turns her gaze to me and smirks, Pan puts his arm around me guarding me. She laughs, "you have him woven around your little finger don't you, he can't live without you. He was like that once... with me" She finishes with a smirk "Let's see who he likes more" She starts to slowly walk towards Pan and I start to worry I know he said he didn't feel anything but I'm scared. She walks right up to him and I see her trying to be slick as she tries to sneakily blow some sort of dust in his face.

"HEY!" I yell but I am too late, he blinks and shakes his head then looks at Wendy and smiles. Wendy hugs him and he stands there with his arm around her waist. "Peter..." I look at him tears threatening to spill. His face scrunches up, 

"Who are you" he pauses as if he is thinking "Are you a new lost boy.. well girl" He starts to smile "Welcome to Neverland," he outstretches his hand and I just stare at him. As the tears finally spill I run in the opposite direction, Joseph tries to stop me by grabbing my arm but I yank out of his grasp and run away until I reach the beach and I sit down and cry.

Joseph's POV

As I am staring in disbelief at Peter sudden interest in Wendy and him suddenly forgetting Amy I get suspicious of Wendy, but before I can say anything Amy is running away. I try to stop her but she gets out of my hold, I watch as the girl I loved having as a friend run away from me and Peter. I look over at Peter and see him hanging off Wendy like he used to. "Hey Peter" he turns to look at me 

"Oh. um hey... you" Peter stutters as he sees me. Yeah my thoughts are correct, his mind is back when Wendy first came to Neverland, I was new so Peter didn't know my name yet but he kept trying. I smile at the memory then look at Wendy

"can I borrow Wendy real quick" 

"Uh yeah sure why not, John" He looks at me hoping he got it right.

I laugh "Joseph" he groans "I'll get it" Peter says with a smile. I pull Wendy to the side and my face goes cold and serious.

"What did you do?!" I say through gritted teeth to try and not attract attention. She smiles devilishly

"I did nothing, all I did was help him remember the best time of his life"

"That wasn't with you, he is with Amy, why are you back now. You left him"

"Oh it is very fun, why does Peter deserve happiness when he took me away my happiness" Wendy says with a raised voice 

"Wha.. What do you mean"

"You of all people should know, you lived in a happy life, a loving family, yet he brought you here, because of a mistake. You were mad one day and he came and took you away," I look down sadly remembering my family "He did that with me and my brother's, we had a loving family then he took us away and screwed everything up." I see Wendy start to have tears in her eyes "My parents went looking for a while, but soon left to search neighbouring towns, they never came back and we were left as orphans. We went to foster care and were separated, I was stuck there until I turned 18, so Peter gets to pay for what he did" the tears are gone and her voice went low " I was waiting for the perfect opportunity, and it's come." She snickers then walks back to Peter, I got to go check on Amy. I dash off in the direction she ran and as I push past the leaves I see her but I also see her talking to Hook. I can't hear what they are saying but Amy then nods and starts to follow Hook to the Jolly Rodger.

"no no no" I whisper, everything is falling to pieces. I run back to the camp to get Peter and tell him what's going on. As I dash back I see Wendy clung to him, I walk up to him and he waves. "Peter I need to talk to you" he nods and Wendy starts to follow "Alone" he nods again then tells Wendy to stay there. "Peter it's about Amy" he looks at me confused

"Amy... why does that sound familiar" he starts to think " but I don't know anyone named Amy do I." I am shocked, he remembers the name maybe I can help him remember. 

I look at him "It's a long story but you guys are great 'friends'" I say looking at him 

"But Wendy." he says shocked 

"She breaks up with you" 

"Why would she do that" I groan 

"That's not the point she went off with Hook, willingly"

"What! She went with Hook, we have to save her" he says. I nod 

"yeah we do we need Charlie, and Aaron" I pause "and you can't tell Wendy"

Peter looks at me but nods anyways. I see him walk over to Wendy and I go over to where Aaron and Charlie are standing bewildered.

"I still can't believe this" Charlie whispers, Aaron nods in agreement. 

"Guys, Amy went with Hook, that's how heartbroken she was" They looked at me with fear in their eyes 

"I don't want to lose her for this bafoons foolishness" Aaron says while gesturing to Peter 

"I was able to convince him to save her, we might be able to get them back together." I say, they both nod and I see Peter walk away from Wendy and towards us, he nods and we start our journey to the Jolly Rodger and to saving Amy. I hope she's okay

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