Chapter Two

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It's been a week and I swear everyday I have seen a guy by my window or a shadow "flying" above me. It makes no sense am I going insane? It doesn't matter anyways, I've decided that I'm done I've been failing a lot of people for a long time and I've decided today I'm gonna do it. Today I am going to end my life.. I was thinking all day if I should leave a note but then wondered who to? Who would I be writing to, the only person that would care is my grandma and I could just explain when I see her. So I went to school but instead of looking all lonely I walked around appreciating the little things around because this was the last time I would see any of it. As I was walking towards the door Josh and Brittany stood in front of me, I smiled slightly at the thought of them never hurting me again after today.

"Aw did you miss us, I saw that little smile" Brittany says, I look down and try to push past them but, Josh grabs my arm in the same spot as yesterday this time I couldn't take the pain and yelled ow, because he made a bruise there yesterday. Once I said ow Josh let go and looked at me with regret in his eyes, I gave him a confused look.

"What's wrong Josh, don't tell me you still care for the freak!" Brittany yells her eyes clouding over with anger.

"No uh I just was surprised by her showing... her feelings yeah," Josh says stuttering, I smile slightly at the thought of Josh still caring since we were childhood best friends. I then push past them know they wont do anything and start my journey home. On the walk home I started to think.

Hmm I wonder if Josh does still care for me maybe I shouldn't..... But then again that was only one day he could be back to normal tomorrow.. 

I continue to walk and make it back to my house, I enter quietly and go straight to my room, sighing in relief when I don't run into my parents, I close the door and stand there for a little. Do I really want to do this? I changed my mind about the note and figured I'd write one anyways.

Dear, Whoever cares

My name is Amelia Rose and  was neglected enough, I've been tossed around by my family and school mates and I just can't take it. This world doesn't want me it never has. The only person that cared about me was my Grandma and she's left this world a while ago. I think that world would suit me better. Sorry I couldn't be stronger but I know the world won't miss me.

Amelia Rose

I place my pen down with a shaking hand " This is it," I tell myself. I switch open the blade and hover it over my skin... A minute passes and I still haven't touched my skin... Should I use a bowl or just leave a mess, I say trying to procrastinate. I grab some towels and put them underneath my wrists "good enough," I slowly slide he blade across my wrist wincing slightly at the pain. I sit there waiting and as my vision starts to fade I see a shadow outside my window, and I see my window start to open.

Peter's POV

Shit Shit Shit I think

"Tink why didn't we come sooner"  I say loudly, I quickly grab towels and place them over her wrists, I run to a room and look for some kind of bandage. 

I look in a weird room and see some sort of bandage "gauze?" I say confused I tilt my head but use it anyways, I tightly bound her wrists and set her on her bed. 

"Please don't be dead please be okay" I say worry laced in my tone. I'm sat there for I don't even know and eventually she opens her eyes.

Amy's POV 

I slowly start to open my eyes and groan as I do so, "ugh what happened?" I say more to myself, my eyes jolt open when a deep voice answers

"you tried to kill yourself... I bandage you up" A guy says, he looks oddly familiar, but neverless I look down at my wrists and see them all bandaged "I guess I have you to thank?" I inquire

"Thank?" The guy sounds confused  "why would you thank me?"

"Well you did say my life, me doing this was stupid just like everything else I do" I say sadly, I look down at my hands and stare at my wrists. until I feel a gentle hand on my cheek "Don't cry you are amazing" The guy says wiping a tear then gentle lifting my head up so I can see him. As I look at him I start to notice a few odd details for example his clothes they are dirty and look as if they are made of leaves? and he overall is quite dirty does he ever bathe. But as I look higher I lock eyes with him and notice baby blue eyes, I almost get lost in them till he stands up and a  speck of light fly's? towards him

"Hey Tink," He says with a smile, he then looks down at me as I look completely confused I'm sure.

"Oh yeah this is Tinkerbell she's a fairy, Tink this is well you know" He says,

I giggle and stand up from my bed, I hold out my hand and say "My name is Amelia Rose but you can call me Amy, and you are?" He looks at my hand then places his hand inside I shake twice then try to let go before I say anything he speaks "My name is Peter, Peter Pan" 

"You can let go of my hand now Peter" I say holding in a laugh "Oh" he quickly lets go and I see his cheeks slightly turn red. As I stand there a thought pops into my head " Wait... How did you get up here" I inquire " there's no way to get up here unless you can..." I'm cut off by Peter slowly flying into the air " Holy shit" I mumble to myself,

"I'm Peter Pan The Boy Who could fly" He says laughing. I look on amazed at the sight before me. "Lucky you I wish I could fly" 

"Well you can with a little bit of pixie dust" Peter grabs Tinkerbell and shakes her over my head " and a happy thought then up up and away"

"um Okay" I say slowly, I start to think of my grandma but I don't feel anything happen I open my eyes and I'm floating. "holy, this is amazing" I say and push myself forward accidentally ramming myself into Peter. 

"Whoops sorry" He takes my hand and brings me towards the window "do you want to go someplace new?" He asks

 "Um that depends what do you mean?" 

" A new place full of adventure it's called Neverland"


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