Chapter Ten

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As I ran through the dense forest I finally made it to the sandy beach, I sit down and place my head in my lap. As I am sitting there, I hear the crunch of someone walking through the sand. I look up to see Captain Hook, I don't say anything and just continue to look out at the water. He sits down next to me.

"Where's boy wonder, he's always attached to your hip" He says with a sneer

"He's with Wendy" I scoff "and I am here" I look over at him "get it?" Hook raises his hands in mock surrender.

"Well we have a spot open on the Jolly Rodger" I look at him 

"No, I don't want to be a pirate" he leans in close

"Maybe this is what you are supposed to be, I heard Neverland as been kicking you out, maybe just maybe you are supposed to be a pirate. And besides..." he pauses "You can get revenge on Peter Pan" I smirk at the idea. I stand up 

"You know what, sure" I say while nodding. I shake hands with him and follow him to the Jolly Rodger. Once aboard Hook looks me up and down,

"That outfit doesn't really suit a pirate." He leaves and comes back with an outfit in hand, he then leads me to a room and tells me to get changed. I start to undress and look at the clothes in front of me. There is a shirt that looked like it was supposed to be white, but has yellowed with age, and baggy ripped pants. I put on everything. I notice you can see my bra slightly through the shirt and wonder if  I should put my other shirt on underneath. I decide against it and walk out of the room, The crew are singing a pirate shanty, and it's pretty catchy. I smile when I walk out and see Hook sailing the ship, I walk towards him. 

"Hey" I say with a smile. He looks towards me

"Now you look like a pirate" he nods "Go up to the crow's nest and keep an eye out for the troublesome boys" I quickly nod and before I get far Hook hands me a sword and crossbow, just like when I came with Peter but this time I have a sword instead of a dagger. I look at the items and place them in the harness that came with the outfit. I start to climb up the ropes and get up to the crow's nest. I sigh in content, but there's a sinking feeling in my gut. I sigh remembering all my times with Peter.

*Flashbacks Begins*

"Pan?" I let out a little scream when I am boosted into the air, I am turned around and come face to face with Pan. 

"I am so sor..." before he finishes I crash my lips onto his mouth, it takes him a moment but he responds with just as much passion.

"ugh what happened" I jolt awake when I hear a deep voice answer "You tried to kill yourself, I bandaged you up"

*Flashbacks End*  

I smile at the memories, when I come back I notice a small group on the beach. I take the telescope and look, I see, Joseph, Charlie, Aaron, and... Peter. I yell down to Hook

"Lost boys on the beach" Hook nods and we prepare for battle I climb down figuring I will surprise them by leading the battle. I get down and they are in the distance, I smirk and stand in front of the crew. The small group comes up to the boat and when they look up there faces are shocked. 

"Amy" Joseph, Charlie, and Aaron say simultaneously. I chuckle 

"Yes?" I look over in their direction then look over at Peter. He looks as if he remembers me slightly, I don't give him the chance as  I look towards the crew and yell "We better go get em shouldn't we boys.... CHARGE!!" I run towards them and sword fight with Joseph.

"Amy what... what happened?" 

"I realized my true destiny" I smirk "Peter didn't want me but, Hook does" Joseph looks at me shocked 

"You said Peter" he whispers

"Of course I did, he doesn't deserve that nickname."

"Amy listen to me we are trying to get him to remember, you have to call him Pan" I look at Joseph like he's insane, I slow down my fighting and eventually lower my sword.

"You... you think he will remember" I look at Joseph tears threatening to spill. Joseph then lowers his sword, I smirk and knock him over the head. I wrap the rope around him and drag him towards the post, I look over at a crew and motion towards Joseph to tie him up. When I look around the crew was able to knock out Aaron and Charlie as well all that's left is.

"Peter" I am face to face with him, "Lets do this" I bring up my sword and he shoots into the sky, I climb the ropes and make it onto the post just like when we were fighting last time, but I am against Peter this time. 

"So Peter, how's Wendy" I say with a devious smile on my face. 

"She's" I cut him off

"She leaves you, she returns to her world and forgets all about you"

"No no she" 

"Oh but she does" I start to see the colour drain from him. He starts to sink down to the bottom of the ship, once there, he was tied up and I climbed down. Hook patted me on the back, 

"Good job Amy" he smiles at me "you caught them all" I look down at the boys and my smile fades. The boys who made me feel like I had a family are tied against a post and the only boy I've loved is on the ground tied up. I look over at Joseph and he smiles and nods towards Peter. I look over at him, I sigh.

"Peter" he looks at me " I wasn't lying about Wendy, she does leave you, well she did." His eyes widen "But you got a new 'friend'" I wait for his reaction and but he doesn't show one, I continue "me, you saved me from killing myself. You are my rescuer," I pause "Pan" and with that he looks up at me and smiles

"Hey love, nice get up but I think I like you better in your normal attire" he laughs, I give him a big hug but then I am ripped from his grasp

"I was so close" Hook groans, "Oh well I didn't like her that much" He pulls me back harder from my hair and I scream in pain he then begins to wrap ropes around my wrists rather harshly. This sparked something in Pan and he breaks from the ropes and shoots into the sky, he frees the lost boys and grabs the sword that hook took from my harness. I look at Pan and smile, as he fights with Hook. Joseph, Aaron and Charlie come to my aid to set me free, we then fight our way off the ship and we wait for Pan. After a few moments he flies off  the ship and lands. I stand there awkwardly, but before I know it Pan has me in a tight embrace, he pulls back slightly, places his hand on the back of my neck and kisses me hungrily. I kiss back but we break apart when we here a loud shrill

"Peter what are you doing"

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