Chapter Eleven

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"Peter what are you doing" 

I look towards the shrill and see Wendy, she runs towards Pan and pushes me out of the way I see her latch onto Pan and his face twists in disgust.

"Pan what happened to us" She gestures between her and him. I roll my eyes at her using my nickname. Peter speaks up 

"How do you know that name" Wendy looks mortified, as Pan  yelled this and his eyes filled with fury. "No one calls me that except Amy" he looks towards me and his eyes turn soft but when he looks back at Wendy he looks angry. 

Wendy scoffs "um" She stutters and tries to find her words. Pan looks down at her grabs her wrists and takes some rope from the ground, he wraps the rope around her wrist and brings her towards the camp. We all as a group start to walk back. I slow down my speed to walk with Joseph 

"I am sorry, does your still hurt" Joseph shakes his hand 

"It's okay, you were angry" he smiles at me. As we continue to walk I start to talk to the boys as Pan leads the pack with Wendy. whenever i look at them I can see Pan rolling his eyes, and shaking his head. Wendy is probably trying to get into his head again. We reach the camp and I see Pan walks down a different path and he speeds up. I look over at Joseph and he says

"He is probably bringing her to the dungeons" I nod in response. When I walk into the camp all I can hear are the screams of the lost boys as they welcome me back. I smile trying to wonder why I left in the first place, yeah Pan may have broke my heart but the lost boys are so amazing.

As Pan is gone the lost boys start playing music and everyone starts to dance. 

"care for a dance" Joseph holds out his hand I smile and nod. As he takes my hand and we begin to dance. I focus my hearing on the sounds around me, I use to think I had no family but, here it is. It was waiting for me in Neverland, I was right about my world not wanting me, but i found a different world that wants me. I laugh, since I was brought here all I could feel was happiness... Well most of the time. I look over at Joseph and smile, he has been a great friend since i arrived here, they all have, and Peter he has been great. When I come back to reality, Joseph is closer then before. 

"Um... What are you doing" He laughs 

"wanted to see if you were still paying attention, it looked like you zoned out" 

"Oh sorry I was just thinking"

"good thoughts I hope" I nod and as I am about to say something else I am grabbed by none other then Peter.

He lifts me into the air and when he places me back on the ground I find myself at the falls. the moon is slowly starting to set and I can see the reflection of it on the water. The scene in front of me is magical. While I am staring at the falls Pan starts to speak

"It took me a tad bit longer then i thought" Pan laughs, I turn to look at him and I smile, I speak in a low whisper 

" I'm glad you remember" I turn around and look at him " When I went with Hook all i could think about was my memories here... my memories with you." I pause giving my words time to sink in, he opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off "  I wish Neverland would let me stay here, because I do not think  I can last another day there" I smile as I finish. Pan opens his mouth and pauses, I giggle. 

"Well I may have found a solution to our problem" he smirks. He points in a direction and I see a small opening in the rocks, I look back at him and he nods. I start to walk towards the hole and as  I outside it I stop.

"Are you sure about this"  I look back at Pan wearily, 

"Trust me"  I lock eyes with him. I stare at him then turn around and start to squeeze through the opening. When I enter it is pitch black, I feel someone touch my back and I yelp. When the sound of my scream echos through the cave lights start to turn on. I look around me and there are fireflies all around the cave as well as glowing lantern-like plants. I gasp at the even more beautiful sight in front of me. When I turn around to face Pan I see that he is not there, I turn around in circles looking for him when I hear his voice calling my name. I follow it to find the glowing plants form a pathway. I slowly follow it and at the end of the path I see a grinning Pan on one knee. I look at him in shock as he starts to speak

"relax, I am not proposing" he chuckles and my body relaxes at his words, he continues " Amy, who know that we would meet and and become friends. my feelings have blossomed into something, that I can't keep to myself anymore." He pauses and looks up at me with big eyes "Amelia Rose would you do the honour of becoming my girlfriend" he opens up the little box and inside is a beautiful ring that has two intertwining hearts. I smile and start to nod my head uncontrollably. He slides the ring onto my finger and I can't help myself, I jump into my arms. he laughs and then interlocks our fingers and leads me outside of the cave. He sits down on the edge of the rocks overlooking the setting moon. We sit there as the moon disappears and light starts to blossom. I look down at my hands and I am still here. I smile and jump up

"YES!!" I scream, Pan gets up and I hug him, "I am still here" He laughs while nodding and says

"we should tell the lost boys" I nod but before we go I grab pan and smash my lips onto his. The kisses are passionate yet hungry, as if we have both been wanting this for a long time. When we part we are both breathing heavily, we then interlock our fingers and walk back to the camp. 

That's how I became a lost boy, and got away from my family. I guess it was fate, I was rescued by Peter Pan.... My Rescuer

And that's the end, first story I couldn't have loved more. It's short but I at least finished. each chapter is at least 1000 words as well. But that's the end.

Thanks for reading!!

Irish_Charm XOXO

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